Suzu narrowed her eyes at the response she got. Maybe it was true but she wasn’t quite buying it. A detective hanging about seemed all to suspicious to simply be a 'special teacher'. But maybe that was simply the case and she had read one too many scarey stories. The principal at least seemed not to doubt this at all. [b]”Thankyou, sir.”[/b] She responded idly, turning her head back in the direction the man's eyes were pointed at. She simply nodded to the next statement, her eye twitching lightly at the look the man gave the son. [I]Suspicious...[/i] She thought to herself again. Despite trying to shake the feeling she couldn’t get passed the feeling of something seeming amiss here. The next response took her for surprise a bit, but perhaps it shouldn’t have. The son didn't seem to have much respect for his father, though she wasn’t one to judge. After all she knew nothing of their history. [b]”I am.”[/b] Suzu responded to the first inquiry immediately but paused before addressing the second, as if in thought. [b]”Perhaps a manager... somewhere.”[/b] She looked away as she spoke, her normally intense sharp eyed gaze growing distant, wistful even. The girl gave a cough into a balled hand before turning back to the detective. [b]”For the record, I'm not convinced you're simply here as the principals son. I don't intend to prod but I wont stand for the student body being disturbed. Tensions run high enough on the first day.” [/b] She stated directly.