[b][centre]Rucks Kennithson.- Somewhere in the Nevada desert - 3 miles from Vegas.[/centre][/b] The Nevada desert is a surprisingly good place to figure out your powers. No one's around and it's a large empty space, ideal for those larger ideas. Three hours? That was plenty of time to spare. The first concept of Rucks' domain was the most simple to master: Travel. As it happens Rucks wasn't a runner. he was lacking in the stamina department when it came to his long distance but anything shorter than 100 meters was manageable. What if he could make travel instantaneous though? He'd share a shit ton on travel expenses that's for sure. Close his eyes, picture somewhere, will his movement and open his eyes. Nothing. Exactly the same place. Maybe the three miles to his hotel room was too much? If at first you don't succeed then try again, maybe you won't fuck it up the second time. Perhaps this time he would only try a few feet? Close your eyes, picture the destination and will the movement. If he did this correctly Rucks would be next to a boulder or some sort. Open your eyes, perfect. Perhaps there would be a better way to travel larger distances? He would figure that out in a second. The second and third concepts of his domain would be more difficult: The Skies and the Winds. Perhaps he could master flight? No, after his earlier failure he felt that would be too advanced. Perhaps simple manipulation of the air around him was a better place to start, maybe pickup some pebbles? Concentrate on what's around you, divert the winds and apply it to the object, funnel them around the mass until the resulting pressure moves it to your will. Something simple was probably an overstatement, an hour went by until the stone decided to move. Even then the effort had exhausted him just trying to manipulate the winds. From his endeavours however he had learnt a concept about the power he was attempting to harness: Much like energy the winds he controlled could not be created or destroyed from thin air; they can only be manipulated. Three clauses to this rule were: A. The air could be manipulated to his will, this included expansions and reductions. However in spirit of the first rule the wider he spread the winds the less powerful they were, an inverse proportion of power. B. While winds can't be created they can be merged and sundered. This means that rather than one incredibly large stream with little power instead three smaller streams which move independently of each other would be created. C. Winds don't like to be kept still, as a result they have to keep constant momentum making immobilising enemies incredibly difficult, perhaps this was less of a clause and more of an ineptitude in Rucks' abilities. The final concept of his domain was probably best left untouched at this moment: messaging. He hadn't a clue how to manipulate something like that. Perhaps later he would have some form of epiphany.