Character Name: Tarwin Redblade Species: Human Gender: Male Noteworthy Abilities / Limitations: Some sword skill and limited fire-based magical abilities. He often combines the two in combat. A few self taught hand to hand techniques as well. Tarwin prefers speed over raw strength, he's also a capable climber and often uses ropes to move around. He wears an eyepatch over his left eye as it was damaged during a bar fight when he was a young man. Background: Tarwin was born and raised as a nomad child out on the Eblistan plains , his parents were traders and scavengers taking relics and items from ruins then pawning them off to whoever had money to spare. Always on the move and never sticking in the same place for too long, his education was informal and unstructured focusing mainly in economy based mathematics, bartering tips and tricks, hands on searching and exploring ruins as well as many stories about the past, many of which gave conflicting accounts of what happened. On his 18th birthday he set off from his nomad family, as is tradition, to make his own way and seek his own fortune. He focused on ruins, taking books and artefacts and selling then in the citadel, he has a knack for finding unexplored sections and his career has been fairly lucrative. Over the years he's forged a number of connections in the city, dealers and bankers, he's also had his fair share of fights and drunken brawls. Appearance: In his late twenties Tarwin has light short blonde hair and a stubbly beard, his eyes are blue though he wears an eyepatch over his left eye. His choice of clothing consists of a leather vest and three quarter length shorts that allow for excellent manoeuvrability while providing some defence, when traveling he tends to wear a poncho or a cloak depending on the climate. Slightly muscular and about the average height of most humans, he is able to blend in quite well when he wants to. Reason for Detainment: After hearing a rumour about an ancient text that would guide the reader to an old arcane library, Tarwin snuck into a restricted part of Duranar castle's catacombs, he found the text and briefly glanced over it before trying to make his escape and getting captured.