Alexa smirked dangerously at Kali. "Sorry, but you'll have to do better than that," Alexa threw her head playfully to the side. Beneath her relaxed, playful demeanor, Alexa was shaking from a multitude of emotions. Part of her wanted to hit Kali for making such a suggestion and effectively challenging Aria for power, while another part of her wanted to run and hide and escape the discomfort she felt. As much as she tried to hide it, Alexa was not exactly enjoying the direction the conversation had gone. It had never been on option to go against Aria like that, and now that the opportunity was presented to her, Alexa only felt the desire to blindly react with violence. She struggled to come up with something else to say in order to hide the fact that she was still incredibly uncomfortable. Fortunately, the enigmatic Client finally arrived. She compartmentalized the conversation temporarily, focusing her attention to the job at hand. Alexa had to cock an eyebrow when the Client revealed that he knew just about everything about all three of them. Alexa was less impressed that he knew about her; she was fairly well-known throughout the galaxy and was usually very open about her past. What caught her attention was his apparent knowledge of Ghost, or Michael as he had been called. Whoever he was, the Client apparently had an information source comparable to the Broker and the resources to stay as hidden as a dead Commander Shepard. Alexa chuckled silently at that. Aria had not particularly enjoyed the lengths she had gone to to not only locate the Commander's body, but to make sure that she had been approached by the real Commander Shepard. In any case, Alexa decided it would be best to remain silent. Aria had sent her here to figure out whatever it is was being offered and take the offer if it was worth their time. Speaking out of turn would not exactly be conducive to a successful mission with those objectives in mind.