Kali smirked right back at Alexa, "Certainly. I enjoy a challenge." For an idle moment Kali wondered if she had gone too far. Some might see Kali's advances as a challenge to Aria, hell maybe Alexa thought it was too. It certainly wasn't her intention to headhunt Aria's Fist, but Kali had to wonder if Aria was the jealous type. She didn't think the Pirate Queen was, she certainly wasn't a one-partner Asari from what Kali remembered. But who knew what Alexa was really thinking? This line of thinking could become dangerous. But then again so what if it was? Kali wasn't the type to shy away from danger. She was about to say something else when their mysterious Client walked in. Kali wondered if he really knew everything there was to know or it was all just bluster. Regardless, it wouldn't be wise to test him no doubt he had backup somewhere. Besides, a nobody wouldn't have been able to afford that hefty advance that Kali had gotten. She wasn't so far overwhelmed by the Client but that might change, her past wasn't exactly a secret but one would have needed excellent sources to know about Kali's last love. But then again he might have gotten his information from the Shadow Broker for all she knew. It was best for her and her bank account that she not cross him. Kali leaned slightly to one side and crossed her arms while she listened to the client speak.