[hider=Kyrtaar][b]Character Name:[/b] Kyrtaar [b]Species:[/b] Elven [b]Species description:[/b] Elves are a lithe race of Humanoids who stand between 5 and 6 feet, and generally weigh little more than 100 pounds. They are known for their affinity with nature, magic, and elusive fighting styles. To fight the elven tribes is to fight the wind, unlike fighting the static mountains that are the dwarves. Elves are also known for their long lives, and don’t reach maturity until 100 years. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Noteworthy Abilities / Limitations:[/b] [list] [*][i]Eldritch blast:[/i] Kyrtaar can channel his eldritch energies into a powerful ranged projectile, roughly the size of a basketball. [/*] [*][i]Eldritch resistance:[/i] Kyrtaar can also channel his abilities to fortify his body, or speed up his reflexes. [/*] [*][i]Foreboding:[/i] Kyrtaar's connection to the stars give him a sort of sense for danger, allowing him to dodge attacks before they happen. It doesn't always work, and is less likely to happen indoors where he cannot see the open sky. This is due to the practice and belief that astrology and divination are connected in some way. [/*] [*][i]Elven training:[/i] Kyrtaar is trained in the use of two weapons that are iconic to Elves. The Longsword, and the Longbow, although he is no master in either. [/*] [*][i]Powered by the stars:[/i] Kyrtaar's powers will never go away, unless the pact is broken. However his powers are much easier to channel beneath the open sky, and even more beneath the night sky, and the later the moon is. If he were to remain indoors, or even more extreme, underground for long periods of time (multiple days, not a few hours), his Eldritch abilities will be weaker, and take more effort to manifest.[/*] [/list] [b]Background:[/b] Kyrtaar comes from an Elvan tribe that lives deep in the woods in the shadow of the Spine of Elbistan mountains, to the north of Fort Lusil. The tribe doesn’t have an official name, and is just a collection of families that help each other survive. However this life wasn’t enough for Kyrtaar, who longed for knowledge. Kyrtaar had no gifts for archery, or spells. He did not have the talent for Magic, nor did he spend his youth learning the bookish ways. What he had was will power, and a thirst for forbidden knowledge. He craved it every day, and so, he made a pact for powers he lacked. Not with the Fae, and the beings of the forest, or the devils down below. Kyrtaar looked to the stars, pledging to them his soul, for power so he could attain knowledge. Although he got no reply in the form of words, he gained abilities he did not have prior. And dreams, endless nightmares about the infinite sky devouring his eternal soul. For this, his tribe cast him out. Not in words, or actions. But lack of them. Kyrtaar found no friends, no camaraderie in his tribe, and left. He swore off his last name, and set out to find his knowledge, with, or without help. [b]Appearance:[/b] Kyrtaar is a paragon of his race, standing at 6 feet tall, and weighing in at a hefty 130 pounds. His body is stocky for an elf, although he is still frail by any other standards. His stocky build by Elven standards gives him the constitution and resilience needed to handle the Eldritch energies. His hair is shoulder length and blond, and is always worn free. His eyes are a piercing green, and are oft to glow when channeling his eldritch powers. His skin is pale, as if the sun has never touched it. He wears a leather boots, with tan breeches, and a long sleeved green shirt, with a leather vest on for minor protection. He also wears a long green cloak, with a hood, that when clasped shut, can drape over his entire body. He wears his quiver of arrows on his waist, and longsword and bow on his back. Dangling from his waist is also a book made of leather, bound in chains. He hasn’t tried to open it, nor does he think it’s possible to. It is his pact to the star beings above written in a dead language, and appeared to him after his first nightmare. When taken from him, or lost, it always reappears after sleeping, a reminder of the deal he made, and the bounty on his soul. [b]Reason for detainment:[/b] Kyrtaar was accused of stealing from a bazaar. [/hider]