Misaki gulped at the sight of the campus. It was huuuuuge! Or, at least, for her it was. She had never seen anything like it before, only in pictures from her books and the descriptions from novels. Inwardly, she released a relieved sigh. Looks like she had roughly the right image and understanding of a "campus". The moment she stepped foot into it, she would be attending a regular school. She would be a student again. One with classmates, one who would have homework assigned. She would have to go to classes, and what she learned wasn't up to her- She wouldn't read about the history of teddy bears, she would have to learn mathematics with the rest of her class. Misaki seemed to be digging her own grave, her thoughts added on to her initial anxiety and the impulse to run away grew strong. She held her ground. [i]No backing out now.[/i] She fiddled with the white beret on her head, where her ears were stuffed. Misaki turned to look up at her childhood friend who stood beside her and asked, "I... Do you think... I'll need this?"