Gabriel listened to the radio until he decided he had enough. He could feel his blood boiling, an eagerness for action equaled by the sense of dread of facing monsters from beyond every night. Both sensations canceled each other out, leaving a calm, practically serene look on his face. Eventually, though, he felt his desire for action overcome any anxiety, and he got up, taking the sword up by the sheathe without breaking stride. He got to the door of his room, took a deep breath, and then opened up, taking care not to make any noise. What followed was an exercise in nerves as he tried to navigate his way through the house in the dark. A couple close calls happened against a table, and he felt that a couple stumbles against the furniture were louder than they had any right to be. Picking up the key, he fumbled with the lock before managing to open it, cringing at the slight creaking noise it made in the dead of night. Once he was outside, having locked the door, he took a deep breath of relief. Nobody in the house was awake; it was time for action. He put on the sentai helmet around his head after fitting in the earbuds for the radio, set the sword around his belt, and ran for the road. Maybe something interesting would pop up. He fiddled with the mike, and managed to get it fixed. [b]"Hey again, everyone, RedHawk here,"[/b] he said, a little short of breath. [b]"Sorry for the delay, I had something to do. But just a head's up, I'm in town and ready to go, so feel free to let me know."[/b]