[b]@Everyone:[/b] Posted. If you are wondering about the sewers mission travel time, they're "ahead" of everyone else. Seeing as how they're so far separated at this point that they are no longer directly interacting, I've allowed time to skewer a bit so they could advance to the outpost. In their timeline, the evacs are complete and the streets are ablaze with liquid fire. Also, I'm gonna give everyone until [b]Sunday 10th[/b] to post. That should give everyone plenty of time to get back on the horse that bucked them, just like me. Oh, and as requested, I'm not skipping anything. Proper mission endings for everyone, woo! After this, the second wave of missions will come up. Expect them to be longer, involve some dialogue at points, stealth... Oh, and maps. Though I don't promise anything sophisticated from the maps. In fact, expect PAINT and AutoREALM doodlings, really. Because I'm a terrible, terrible artist, who cannot art to save his life. On the bright side, at least in the future, it should be less confusing who is where and doing what. Also, yes, that plot twist. I hope someone was expecting it. :lol