[b]After decades of spewing shockingly ignorant leftist tripe, media mogul Ted Turner might have outdone himself. Appearing on the network he founded — CNN — for an interview with fellow liberal Piers Morgan, the topic turned to a marked increase in suicide among America’s heroic servicemen and women. Turner acknowledged that more soldiers “are dying now from suicide over there than are dying in combat,” prompting Morgan to understandably imply that the statistic is “shocking.” Turner used another adjective to describe the tragic death of those tasked with preserving our freedom against foreign and domestic enemies. “I think it’s good,” he said, completely dismissing any justifiable reason for military force and urging the country to “start acting enlightened.”[/b] Also, he supports "getting rid of" 90 percent of the entire planet's population. Not necessarily through genocide, but he still supports near extinction of the Human species. He's the real world's Captain Planet, but he isn't a hero, he's a total zero. Ted Turner also says "Men should be banned from public office." Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/leftist-idiot-ted-turner-applauds-soldier-suicides/#ZE2Mza0GysPFI4go.99