"It shouldn't take very long at all, I don't think. Heck, it's probably even done by now." It had been cooking for a good few minutes after all, and they were relatively thin steaks so they should be quick. Sliding off of the counter Takeshi went to the oven, pulling it open and poking his head into it. Cringing slightly from the heat he prodded at one of the steaks carefully, smiling as it felt cooked through at least. "I think they're done! Time to eat!" Pulling himself out of the oven he grabbed a cloth to handle the pan, fishing it out and setting it on top of the stove. From there he searched around a bit and grabbed a platter, one by one taking the steaks and placing them all on it. Sniffing at the steaks he smiled, giving Shu a thumbs up, "They smell awesome, I hope they taste half as good. Now let's go find where Kai is." He could be in his room, with his father or somewhere else entirely. It was a pretty large ship after all, he could be more or less anywhere. "You've got a good sense of smell, don't you? Sniff out Kai or something, I don't have any idea where he is." First the Kaesstrian and now this, sigh... So much for getting a break. Vegeta was really keen on having him do all sorts of things today apparently, and this time it wasn't delivering food. Looking at Viral uneasily Haku watched as the Beastman stood upright, amazed at how big he was. At least he could sort of place what Viral was, he looked like one of those large cats they had on Earth. Sort of anyways, he was certainly different. "Y-You want me to fight you...? As in... R-Right now...?" Ooooh.... This wasn't going to be fun at all, was it? Just the size disparity alone was enough to make Haku extremely nervous, never mind what kind of strength he might have at his disposal. Swallowing nervously he gave Vegeta a silent look as if pleading to get out of this. When it didn't seem as though he was going to be allowed to back out of it the young Saiyan raised his fists halfheartedly, shaking ever so slightly as his eyes held Viral's massive form. "F-Fine... I'll fight you... B-Bring it on..."