[quote=Expllo] Nah, you not kidding now. But that's good too xDOh! Probably because she updated it O.o I'll give you a link innasec.Kaizo....You gave him a mission! xD With the guardian Hollow with Shoske, Aokiji, Emillio....Kinda what got yo save the princess thing started xD oh! And Kenta has no arms....Well he does now O.o but still.Indeed. [/quote] In a year I may not be kidding O.O Wooow, I just saw it xD Abi, if you see this...thank you xD Ohhh yeah xD I remembered him, I just forgot he went missing o.o but I totally forgot about he princess xD whale I have an idea for her :3 but hwat the fuck happened to him?o.o