Kaguya kept on walking forwards, ignoring the man behind her. Once she found her seat, she wouldn't have to deal with him anymore, so it wasn't like it really mattered. Sure, this was incredibly rude and terrible sportsmanship, but she had far more important things on her mind. She needed to plan out her next moves carefully, and she couldn't fall into the traps of others. Kaguya knew exactly where the other gods were, and none could track her at the moment, but that didn't mean she could afford to be careless. She was on her way to Beijing, and knows that there is currently god there, but even more enlightening, that two gods were in the same area at the same before one suddenly leaving. Now, she just had to deduce if it was a peaceful meeting or one filled with hostility There wasn't a way to decide for sure, but 2fast knew she could reach the proper answer with enough time thinking. One was there for a fairly short time before going over to another god. A third god happened to show up at that meeting, yet all three made it out alive. From that alone, it could be easily to tell that this god cares more about peaceful interaction instead of fighting. That would either make him a decent individual, or a weak coward who doesn't know how to deal with this. Now Kaguya could fairly see what he was trying to do, and she could tell that he wasn't anything like her. He was planning as he moved, instead of planning ahead and preparing himself for counterattacks. Winning a game isn't simply having the proper counter to an opponent when they attack, it is knowing your opponent's attack before it happens, so they fall into your own trap little by little. She could of course be wrong, but given how this man kept hopping around the map. He was making everything up as he went along, not planning 20 moves ahead like Kaguya was. There is a reason why Kaguya was the greatest gamer in the world, and it was more than just good reflexes. That wasn't enough to beat everyone in the world. But being able to plan ahead of your opponent and know their next action before they do it, now that would win you every game every time. Kaguya took her seat as 1B, which sadly wasn't a window seat. Of course she would be in first class, why wouldn't she be? Not only could she afford the ticket anyway, Beijing was the one who invited Kaguya to the tournament anyway. Having 2fast at your tournament meant that you were going to get a lot of publicity, a sold out arena, and the most important of all, tons of gaming cred. Since Kaguya was in deep thought, she hadn't noticed that The_Fiend followed her to her seat. Man, this guy was being such a creeper. She understood that she had an absolutely flawless body, but stalking was a whole different level. Her fans could get a bit crazy, but this was totally different. Maybe he would stop if she answered his question? Well, if it didn't, she would just call the police to get him away. That always worked, and it would also ruin The_Fiend's image as well. " Look, I didn't cheat to beat you. I just studied all of your other matches in the tournament. I knew exactly what combos and moves you would do when you caught me in a certain position. So, I simply baited you, hopped away, and released hell when you couldn't fight back. I picked an agile character just to make sure I could get in, harass you, and get out before I took any damage. I could have ended the game much earlier, but I wanted the Perfect Game, so I played with extreme caution. Are you happy now? I told you exactly how I did it. You can now do the same thing to me, but I'll still crush you in the end. "