Kazuya shrugged. Truth be told, he didn't know the answer either, but he wasn't much bothered by it either way. Definitely wasn't intentional, as a quick glance around the room revealed that it definitely had a lot more space for students. The most probable reason would be that there just weren't a lot of humans wanting to face off against demons. Made sense. 'Specially since they were willing to pick people off the street, look for kids from foreign countries, grab some part-demons and [i]still[/i] had room for a few dozen more trainees... Finally the teacher decided to get an actual lesson started. He moved the desks to the side and listened. It seemed there'd be a little sparring match going on. With foam swords. Kazuya stifled a chuckle. She asked for volunteers, and while it was true he was going for Knight he was hardly interested in fighting with foam. He looked down to the sword bag with his two katanas, before turning back to the front. Jeffery volunteered, apparently experienced at knife fighting, as did a half-demon. Helix, if he remembered correctly. The teacher gave out the standard rules, which kind of irked him. Sure it was a friendly match and all, conducted just to gauge combat ability, but he hardly thought demons out in the field would care for a fair fight. Wasn't how [i]he[/i] learned to fight, either way. Besides, what about the kids who didn't want to be Knights? Did she have Nerf guns hidden up her sleeve? ...Part of Kazuya hoped there were Nerf guns... Not that any of that mattered. For now he'd watch.