******************** Ryomi Fiett Leitannia vs. Bloodshot (Match 1) ******************** Pain signals from the vessel's body flooded into her mind. So that's what it was like to feel pain. It had been so long since she had been connected and received damage. Her face contorted into a grimace as she stumbled backwards, feeling the breath taken out of her and her heart surge with pain as well, although as long as the heart wasn't destroyed it still served it's purpose of being the dwelling place of the spirit. Now if it had been fried by a more powerful electrical blast they'd be ejected from the vessel, an automatic loss because they couldn't go back in until that problem was fixed. They'd probably need a replacement heart surgically inserted in it's place and if the damage was too severe. That is if this man didn't do something else to their body before friendly forces could arrive and retrieve it. Then it complicated matters even further. Such a hassle. She didn't want to loose this one. As she stumbled backwards she kicked her left leg upwards as fast as her body could move, sending it up right between his legs as he squatted in front of her. Perhaps he wouldn't be able to react fast enough and would certainly be surprised how she could recover so quickly from a zapped heart, unless he knew how vessels operated. After her foot connected, which she expected, or missed, she would fly away from his staff's range and regain her breath once her lungs stopped quivering. Her broken rib would be a literal and figurative pain if she were to try and maneuver around with it, so she'd given up a fancy melee battle by now. She'd destroy this man some other way. ******************** Cellinli Lienfeld vs. Niks (Match 1) ******************** "Umm...s-sure," she replied, pretending to agree with him. She couldn't trust him as far as she could throw him, so would have no choice but to take him out before he did the same to her. She kept her dual weapons in hand, hoping that wasn't too suspicious, as she walked as casually as possible towards him. Surely he wouldn't expect her to disarm herself, even if she did trust him, due to all of the danger around. It was her rigid muscles that were more likely to give away mistrust, prepared to dart away at the slightest hint of danger. But that goes with the same explanation, right, how dangerous her surroundings were? "Looks like you're the only one I can trust here," she lied, looking around at her surroundings to try and put on the act that it was indeed something else frightening her. "Maybe we can find out who's causing this and kick his butt or something?" She continued to walk closer. If she could just get within swiping distance at him she would take the opportunity to lash out as quickly as possible with her right blade and cleave straight through his neck, if he had a neck. He was still concealed in the cover of darkness, but he spoke and had eyes, so he almost had to have a neck to cut to go along with this. ******************** Evvie vs. Aurelia (Match 1) ******************** The young woman's hasty retreat was enough to dodge her fire breath, but at least it bought Evvie enough time to get back onto her feet, which was the original purpose of that attack anyways, after all. She snapped her jaws shut to stop the flow of fire as she did just that. Her armor and body got quite dusty from her fall, but it was not an unusual state to see her in. It was nothing that a little rain couldn't wash off later on. But enough of all this funny business, she wanted to do some actual damage for once. Maybe with an actual plan? But plans were hard work. Her muscles were much easier to get things done than by waiting around using plans. Maybe she could solve this problem by just running faster this time? She could fly pretty fast and could maybe corner her in this difficult, rocky terrain. Hmm...yeah, that might work, and for her the most simple plans would tend to work the best. She jerked her wings up and down with a couple of powerful flaps, sending her up around 20 feet in the air in a matter of a few seconds. From there she began to close the distance between the two, unless her opponent began to move away some more. If she did than hopefully Evvie's plan would work and going by air would indeed be able to catch up. If upon catching up she would try to dive down toward her, swooping into her body rather than straight at the ground with her arms outstretched to try and grab onto the scythe's handle at the same time as she crashed into her. Hopefully in all of the chaos she would be able to yank the scythe free and knock the woman to the ground on her back with Evvie on top of her. Evvie considered that she was tough enough to better handle the collision, and the meaty padding of her opponent would help protect her against the impact with the ground. If she did get slashed at with the scythe while moving in she should still be able to continue her attack, although this was admittedly very dangerous, and hopefully wouldn't regret such an action or be taken by surprise of some other form of attack she hadn't anticipated happened.