Ridill was astonished by the sudden inspiration of strength the Centennial had when he asked, “Now this one has the strength to stand against us?” Tadgh observed the strikes of the Generics beneath him as the Centennial made its way and agreed, “He does. This one battles with the raw passion of Colada himself!” Eleanor prepared her gun when she summoned back the energy of several Generics nearby observing, “Were not dealing with a pushover. I guess pawns aren’t good enough for you kid!” She gave an order to Tadgh, “Lugh! Form up on me! Give me an opening!” Tadgh’s mobile suit made its way up when he denied, “Or better yet give me the strike!” When the Centennial knocked Tadgh’s mobile suit out of the way Eleanor scolded him, “Damn it Lugh! You’re supposed to follow the strategy!” Tadgh was undeterred when he answered, “I’m taking whatever chance I can missy. Now out of my way!” Ridill moved in front when he promised, “I’ll take care of the Archangel. It won’t be an issue much longer.” Ridill moved away when he cursed his problems, “Most I seem to be able to permit is giving this idiot his opening.” Tadgh saw Eleanor forming next to him when he commanded, “Press the assault! We have this little insect in our sights now!” Eleanor flew above Tadgh’s area when she ordered, “Move in with a combined attack!” Tadgh and Eleanor moved in with their weapons prepared moving behind the Centennial in a spiral. They had the target in sight when both of them announced at the same time, “Actualize!” The blade extended towards the Centennial’s positon while Eleanor fired a wave of energy towards its area. The energy beam came from above while the blade extended to Sousuke’s left. The two attacks missed their target when the Centennial moved out of its way. Their target continued to make its way towards the Archangel when it came closer into range of the ship and towards Ridill’s location. As the blade began to retract a trail of spikes made their way out and added a wider lunge range for the attack but only managed to leave another line of destruction in the colony in their attack. The blade retracted when Tadgh observed, “He’s got some skills dodging those.” Eleanor observed the irritation in Tadgh’s voice when she ordered, “Move in and prepare to finish him! We can’t drag this out for much longer and maintain the colony!” Tadgh drew his blade to his mobile suit’s chest when he warned, “As if I’m going to care about that for much longer!” Tadgh prepared to move in before he felt blasts from the Infinity catch him off guard. He turned around when he warned, “It’s probably time that we got these insects off our back already!” “Tadgh! They want us to separate!” Eleanor said trying to warn his advance. It was too late for him however when he engaged Athrun’s Gundam and found herself to be the only one who could stop the advancing ZETA from tipping the scales in favor of the humans. She prepared her weapon sighing, “Maybe finishing off one of you will give these two better priorities!” Right after those words the Actualizer mobile suit adjusted its beam rifle weapon when Eleanor warned, “Now endure a true wave of destruction! Actualize!” The mobile suit fired its wave of light to the ground beneath the ZETA and formed a wave of debris out of the raw materials from the buildings below that threatened to swallow the ZETA. When it began to form around her target, Eleanor made a final adjustment with her gun when the wreckage began to envelope itself around the target. Tadgh was in a duel with the Infinity Gundam as his blade made contact with the beam sabers before he managed to find an area away from his opponent’s reach. “You weaklings have always sought to test my patience. But let me show you what we can truly achieve. Actualize!” The massive blade grew in length only to miss the Infinity Gundam’s position by a few yards. The strikes however made up for it when they began to meet the ground of the colony. Tadgh continued to strike the ground with his blade as though he were forging his own weapon with an anvil as he warned, “I dare you to pray! Hope even! Beg to see anything! Anything that won’t see you sliced down to your very atoms!” The Infinity GUndam in the meantime had done everything to shoot down the spikes before they could be launched. It was however too late when they began to fly towards him. Ridill’s mobile suit had its spear ready to attack the Archangel before it saw the Centennial approaching from behind. He turned his mobile suit to face Sousuke’s Gundam when he observed, “So I’ll have a chance to see your abilities myself Gundam.” Ridill’s Gundam prepared its spear to lunge towards the Centennial and managed to match with every strike the Centennial managed to match with. The blades of the Centennial managed to reach every area of the spear before Ridill moved his mobile suit away from its opponent’s location. “I’ll see to it you don’t hold for long. Actualize!” The summon brought forth another summon of a dozen spikes from Ridill’s spear when it made its way towards the Centennial. The blow between both was soon to result in the fate of either mobile suit.