Willing to edit if anything is amiss or doesn't fit. [hider=Aevah]Character Name: Aevah Runil Species: Half-Elf Species description: A mix of human and elf, they live only half as long as elves but much longer than the average human. Half-elves are not nearly as graceful as full elves but they are still more agile than humans. As far as sight and hearing, they can see in dimmer light than most humans and can hear further away but again full elves surpass them. They are stronger and have a greater constitution than most elves but humans surpass them in this area. Cunning, tennacity, and stamina are their strong suits. They have more of an afinity for magic than most humans but are still not as skilled as elves in that either. As most half-elves are usually snubbed by both races, they tend to end up fending for themselves... This makes for a good rogue. Their ears are vaguely pointed, their features finer than humans, and their builds usually smaller than most humans also. Gender: Female Noteworthy Abilities / Limitations: Thieving: She's skilled at picking locks, pick-pocketing, and she's very good at slight of hand. She can open most locks unless they are enchanted and she can usually tell that by the way they feel. Stealth: Aevah is... well... stealthy. She is light footed, sure of step, and knows how to blend in and go unnoticed. She is agile, making her less acrobatic than most elves but still able to scrable up the sides of buildings using windowsills and cracks though less likely to try and jump long gaps or drop from half-way up a tree without expecting to break a bone or two. Charm: Aevah can be very charming when she wants to be... often using it to get out of trouble, to get better prices, or to con people to get her way. However, it has backfired once or twice earning her some unwanted attention from a love struck target, or by being called out on it by a less gullible one and getting her chased by the Guard. Tracking: As a skilled hunter who has taken care of herself most of her life, Aevah can track nearly anything under nearly any conditions within reason. Her skill as a hunter means she's also pretty good with a bow. Trap-making: Using traps to catch animals is just another part of hunting... they are usually crude leg-hold traps or snares. Plant Knowledge: It's not THAT in depth... she does know some healing plants and she knows what NOT to eat and why. This does not translate into any kind of knowledge of mixing potions or poltices... Her knowledge is rudamentary. Weapons: She is good with a long or short bow and knows that distance is her friend since, though she is tenacious, strength is not her strong suit. She also uses daggers and though she is fast and deadly with them, she prefers to attack from stealth rather than outright to avoid being overpowered. Seeing Touch: When touching a person, Aevah sometimes feels what they feel and hears what they think... It also comes with the rather unfortunate ability to see snipits of their lives and even very occassionally translates into seeing how they die. For this reason she avoids touching others whenever possible... It also tends to give her a massive headache and eat a lot of her energy, depending on how much she sees it has even dropped her into a coma a few days because it triggered another unwanted ability. This ability has even rescently begun translating into reading things off SOME objects, ones that maybe held a strong emotional meaning to the prior owner... it's kind of annoying. Dream Walking: Aevah has the disconcerting ability to... travel in her dreams and it's sometimes triggered by her other ability Seeing Touch. Call it Astral projection if you want but she can't control it. Sometimes she sees the future, sometimes she sees the past, sometimes she sees the present, and other times she just walks around outside her body seeing things others don't... things beyond the Veil. Sometimes, she can even see out of another's eyes... usually an animal but she has no control of the body or mind. The downfall to this is that there are always... things... waiting to steal an empty body and wandering too far means you're less likely to find your way back. Also, not everything you see is true... some of it can flat out be wrong and just part of the dream or pointedly misleading... She still has not figured out how to see anything she WANTS to see and doesn't know if she can. Background: Aevah grew up in a village stuck between the base of the Spine and the Uchfos Forest. However, she never knew her parents. She was an orphan and the Healer raised her because her mother died giving birth to her. It was probably the first time in years that anyone in that little village had seen an Elf... they were pretty secluded. Aevah discovered her ability at age six, she'd been playing a game of tag with a bunch of the boys in the village when the vision was triggered. She saw a fire, the boy's house burning to the ground with him inside it coughing and struggling for breath... calling for his mother. It ended when a beam fell atop him and she'd screamed and screamed and screamed when she'd snapped to because she'd FELT all of it... the heat on her skin, the burning in her lungs, the fire and the weight of the beam when it... Everyone believed her crazy. The kids were wary around her now, the adults whispered among each other when they thought she couldn't hear. Eventually, she grew tired of it. She took deeper and deeper trips into the woods whilst playing and then whilst hunting as she got older. She soon grew tired of the village, she'd seen more deaths in her time there... had nightmares... tried to warn them. They were humans with not even a drop of magic in their veins, they didn't believe her at first and then they thought her the cause of their ill fortunes... blaming them on her because she saw them before they happened. She left, traveling throughout Eblistan and it was during this time that she developed her other more rogue like skills. She wandered until her journies took her to the Citadel in search of information on the symbol born on the necklace that had been her mother's... It was a small gold emblem on a thin gold chain in the shape of an eye. She'd spoken to only one person within Ahskos who thought they might have recognized it from something he'd read a long time ago. It was mentioned only once in an old scroll in the Citadel as 'The Emblem of the Seers." Her best guess from then on was that her mother was a Seer, that it must be an Elven order from either during or before the war... but why had her mother left her people? Elves didn't often leave their own kind. Aevah was hoping, since the scroll had been in the Citadel Library, that she might find more answers there. Appearance: [img=http://s20.postimg.org/dsuyl22j1/Dovahkiin_Elf_Cosplay_Costume_4.jpg] Reason for Detainment: Thievery... Yes, she did it. [/hider]