i gotta go with the others on this. at the moment the character is to vague. as is you could just whip out a magical gun that kills everyone with one shot and never misses in one hand and a shield that auto blocks absolutely everything on your first turn and end the fight instantly. claiming that you put them in the bag earlier. since you have a bag that holds matter inside it you have to state what types of things can be put inside and what is already inside it when you enter the fight. using my character as an example, his bag is infinitely large but he's restricted to only what can fit through the small opening (an about 7 inch long zipper) so if needed he could use it to catch a punch or bullet but not anything larger than the opening. by saying it can store things larger than itself than you can just as easily throw it over someone and suck them in, practically killing them. as for the muscle enhancer ability you have no charge, cooldown time or negative effect on it, meaning you could simply turn it up to full first post and stay that way the whole fight. his other power, the fart manipulation.....hate to say it but without any clarification all i can really say about it is that any smell coming from your character would; A) make him a target for my character B) likely be better smelling than the grey nasty. >__> not trying to be mean, just trying to help.