"He shouldn't be too hard to find really. I mean think about it, if he's not with Choi then he's probably with his dad, and if not there then in his room. So that makes... What? Two places?" Plus there was the intercom system on the ship, so worst case scenario they could use that to find where Kai was. With the platter in hand Takeshi led the way out of the kitchen... And more or less stopped outside the mess hall. not too sure where they should even begin to look. Perhaps Shu's nose could help them, he was a bit of a wild boy after all, surely his sense of smell could lend them a hand. Or... Maybe not. "I don't know if he's in there, he might be. I can't think of where else he might be if not there." Wandering around, maybe, though even then Takeshi couldn't imagine why Kai would be doing that. The twins' room was a bit further than everyone else's, so it'd take them a moment to reach it. Nodding his head for his brother to follow he started on their way, resisting the urge to try a piece of his cooking. "I really want to know how this turned out, I'm starving!" Takeshi whined, glancing down at the still steaming slices of meats. "They smell really good... I hope they taste as good as they smell." Haku was meek, he knew that and didn't tend to do much about it. But he did have a bit of pride too, even if he was usually too hesitant to defend it. The bold, cocky kid that T'charrl had seen the day before was a rare moment of overconfidence. Now that he was made aware of how strong everyone was that arrogance kind of was gone. It was a delicate balance between wanting to save his skin and saving face, and right now the latter was winning out. "W-We are warriors! And don't think I'm weak!" he retorted, frowning. "I'm just n-nervous is all, I'll fight you!" What was this honor crap Viral was going on about? It was a spar, what did honor have to do with anything? Jumping at the Beastman's growl and again when he was abruptly attacked. Gasping at the pounce Haku jumped away to avoid it, still having to block due to Viral's long reach. Catching the paw with some effort he began running on instinct alone, letting his training take over. Attempting to pull Viral in after grabbing his arm the kid tried to punch him wherever he could reach, not holding him but trying to deliver as many blows as he could.