Kira watched the trees go by through the window of the cab's back seat. She had waited for three hours for her father or brother to come and pick her up from the airport before she had finally gotten fed up and just took the taxi. She sighed and put her head back against the seat's head rest, closing her eyes. It'd be good to get home, back with her pack and among friends. She was probably most excited to see Roland and Connor again besides her brothers and and sisters. Her mother was probably off somewhere over looking pack or council affairs. Her eyes snapped open when she heard the slightest squeak of the taxi's brakes. "You sure you want me to drop you off here?" The cabby asked. "Yeah, here's perfect," Kira said, climbing out. She paid for the ride before getting the single camping back pack out of the trunk and starting off through the dense woods, taking in a deep breath and then making her way to the town. Once she reached the outskirts, she frowned at how dead everything was, sure there were a few people out but not as many as there should've been, her pack should've been all over the place. Maybe there'd be people more closer to the center of town. And with that thought, she continued on.