21. [b][i]It appears that everyone was at the Courtyard, does that mean that something is supposed to happen now?[/i][/b] Summer wonders as she looks around the courtyard, trying to get her rapidly beating hear under control. There was something about the newcomer that made her flustered in a way that was unfamiliar to her. She didn't get the chance to elaborate more on her own thoughts as a Cloaked figure appeared in front of them, cutting off all conversation. [b]"Well then, hello everyone,"[/b] the cloaked figure said, it's voice soft and feminine, [b]"I'm glad that I have finally gotten the chance to see you all. It seems like so many years ago that I sent out those summons."[/b] The female grew quiet and faced Calixta, the silence between them seemed to hold disappointment, or surprise, it was hard to tell. [b]"You are not the one I sent for,"[/b] the woman said, [b]"Though it seems you are much stronger... so why is it that I didn't [i]see[/i] you?"[/b] [b]"I, well, um..."[/b] the nymph stammered as she thought about Geneve. Calixta's cheeks turned a bright pink which contrasted against her milky white skin, and she looked down to the floor out of embarrassment. [b]"I know that I am not Geneve. But Raina- long live the Queen- gave me the task instead. The nymphs do not often meddle in the affairs of those who live above the waters, and I apologize...Maybe you did not see me because I... I lost someone I loved dearly... I was... essentially dead though I lived. I only came here because I was told to by the Queen, despite my wishes to stay away from this Continent with all of my heart."[/b] The Female smiled beneath her cloak, though no one could see, and she waved her hand in a dismissive manner, [b]"Long live the Queen indeed, I assume she failed to tell you that she no longer holds power of you, but you hold power over her? Judging by the surprise in your eyes, I assume she has not. You no longer answer to her, if you need something of her or your people, then she is bound by duty and honor to provide it."[/b] It was curiosity that made Calixta snap her head up, eyes full of wonder and interest. She was no longer bound by the monarchy of Nymphe? The queen [i]did[/i] fail to tell her that, but it was both a compliment and an insult. An insult to be with held from vital information, but the fact that Raina had chosen Calixta over Geneve was a compliment because that meant she trusted her to not overthrow her rule...and Calixta wouldn't. She would gain nothing by it. [b]"I am honored, then, to be on this journey. I'm sure that if I ever need help, Nymphe will be ready to come to my aid. But that day can wait, for I am here to learn as is everyone else."[/b] She gestured to those around her, and whatever indication of embarrassment that was there before was no longer present. Instead she donned another smile which seemed to brighten up her entire face. [b]"That is good of you, to say you will not overthrow Raina,"[/b] the woman said, [b]"That makes you better than most, Geneve would have tried to replace Raina, she was right to have chose differently."[/b] [b]"Well, now that we understand why Cali... Cali... Um... Calla looked as nervous as me... may I... may I ask who it is you are?"[/b] Summer asked, stepping forward. The Cloaked figure turned her attention to the Elf female and placed one pale finger to the girl's lips, [b]"All in time my little Wind Sage, all in time. For now I must show you all to your respective predecessors."[/b] Without waiting to see if anyone had anything else to say, the female motioned for the others to follow and it was obvious she expected them to do just that. The woman first led the group to the Large Crystal that seemed to resonate light and turned to Ostel before speaking. [b]"Look within this Crystal, and you will see the former female Sage Hikari."[/b] Doing as she instructed, Ostel looked within the Crystal and saw a child like human within it. Her golden-blonde hair framed her face in curls and her arms were set across her chest, her hands resting on her shoulders. She couldn't have been more than 14 years-old at the time of her preservation. [b]"It is a girl, barely past childhood. Why is she here?"[/b] Ostel asked, slightly appalled by what was set before him. [b]"Do not worry Ostel, those that are within these 'tombs' are there because they wish to be. We have not forced this upon them."[/b] the Female responded. Ostel just nodded his head before taking his position in front of the Crystal with Snow as the Woman moved onto the Pillar of Water. [b]"Calixta, take your place with Shuǐ,"[/b] she instructed as she pointed to the Pillar that now showed a male nymph. His hair was an aqua green color and it appeared that his wings were a rainbow of colors now unheard of to the Nymphs. The smaller, female nymph lifted an arm as if to reach through the glassy-looking film of crystal clear water, but seemed to think better of it and instead put her arm back by her side. She admired the set of wings that shimmered even in the meager light, and she longed to have a set of the gossamer material herself. Shui was beautiful just like all nymphs, but even in death he carried an aura of power. She bowed her head in respect, and took her place with Garon without a word of protest as the woman continued onto the next representation of the Sages. The four that remained with her were confused as to why they were now able to see people within the objects that were meant to represent their elements. Before anyone could ask what was going on, they stopped in front of an Oak, but to everyone's surprise it was not solid, in fact, it was hollowed out. A window of tree sap had formed over a large hole, revealing a rather tall elf with silvery hair, much like Summers. His hands were at his side and a bow was strapped across his back. [b]"This is Zemlja, Jade, and it is he who chose you to take his place,"[/b] the woman said, [b]"Please stand with him while I move on with the others."[/b] Jade Fist simply nodded to the cloaked woman, taking his place before the oak tree. He eyed the elf held within with some sense of... uneasiness. He wasn't entirely sure if he'd want to end up like his predecessor did. The woman watched Jade with a small bit of curiosity, but let it fall as she continued on to the Onyx Structure. Inside it was dark, it seemed like all the light had been drained out of the area, giving an almost depressing aura about it. Suspended in the air between the floor and Ceiling was an Incubus. his hair was long and black and his body reminded those that remained of a shadow. A shadow that would swallow any light that came across its path. [b]"I don't... I don't like the way this one makes me feel..."[/b] Summer said, her tone strained from the fear she found gripping at her heart, [b]"Something... doesn't feel right... it feels... tainted."[/b] [b]"And right you are Summer, this is Dunkelheit, he was the Sage of Darkness... and also the one who betrayed his friends in the beginning,"[/b] came the response, [b]" He only just came to his senses when Bonketsu nearly killed his love... and even then he did not come in time to save the Lost Continent."[/b] [b]"He... betrayed his friends? But... why?"[/b] Summer asked. [b]"Power... and I hope that none of you succumb to that basic want. Now, Aravan, stand here in front of the structure... and touch nothing."[/b] After she was sure that Aravan understood and would neither touch nor leave his area, she moved onto the Volcano. The volcano itself was made out of lava rock that had been conditioned into a substance that could be seen through, yet could still hold lava. Inside was a Woman with fox ears and a fox tail, obviously a werefox. Her red hair fanned out around her and moved slightly as if the heat from the lava was causing small currents of air to move it. [b]"This is Ignis, one of the most faithful companions that were in the group... faithful and kind. She stood fiercely by what she believed and refused to budge no matter how many times the Dark Lord tried to sway her to his beliefs... in a way she was the best of us all. Damien, I require you to stay here with your dog Ember... I have one last person to place... Come young Elf... it is time to meet your Ancestor."[/b] [i][b]Ancestor? Doesn't that usually imply that we are related somehow?[/i][/b] Summer wondered as she followed obediently to the cylinder of clouds. The woman said nothing to her, instead, she just motioned for Summer to step up to the Cylinder and wait. Summer did as she was told, but not before she studied the figure within. The women held within the Cylinder seemed to be the only one with her eyes open, but this isn't what startled Summer, it was the color of the woman's eyes. Summer found she wanted to reach out the moment she looked at the deep violet eyes that matched her's so well, but she with-held the urge and just studied. The woman's hair was silver, almost blue, and her face seemed so kind. [i][b]Who are you?[/b][/i] she wondered, [b][i]You who look so much like me...[/b][/i] Summer was so lost in thought that she did not notice Merlin perched on her shoulder. The Woman left Summer where she was, fully aware that she was confused, but she knew that everyone's answers were soon to be answered. The Woman stopped in front of the Nymph Fountain and let out a sigh before she spoke, [b]"I want you to touch the tombs in front of you now... and when you finally come to terms with both who you are and who you want to be... I want you to hold your hand out... and hope for the best."[/b]