Name: Quentin Pelham. Nickname: By him, 'That Guy Who Doesn't Do Much Except...sit...down..and...' but that's the only nickname people bothered to give him. Age: 18. Gender: Male. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual. Appearance: [img=h He has incredibly pale skin, probably because of him going outside so little. He also has really, really fragile skin, because of this...same, thing as his pale skin. He has a skinny build, usually from his occassional 'not eating' sessions that happens each and every week. He has...what, blondish/light orange hair, which is gigantic and curly and other such things, which is supposed to be 'genetics.' He also has light blue eyes that...probably doesn't compliment many parts of him, hethinks. I think there's nothing else to, really, say. Loves: Cats. All cats. Likes: Cool people that are his friends, trying to BE a cool person, technology, not exercising Dislikes: Dogs. All dogs. Yes. Hates: Excercising, long stairs, tsunamis, hot water, sand. Personality: He is not the cool type. Not at all. At least, by his definition. See, this guy here is the wimpy type. Not the one that likes to fight a bunch of creatures surrounding him. In fact, in his first fight, he's probably gonna say "What? WAIT WHAT WHAT IS THIS-" and cower with both of his arms covering his whole body, knee up and everything. Why? Because he is that much of a dork. In fact, he gets easily flustered and he overreacts over the simplest of things, like his age on a paper. "Wait, wouldn't the other people look up to me because I'm older? Noo, then they might figure out soon enough that I'm lying about my age. But if I put my age, they might bully me about it. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-" Yeah. He is perfectly that type of person, and he will always be that person for most of the time. He just wants to be cool. That's the guy he is. He wants to be a cool guy. A seriously cool guy, like maximum cool, like known by everyone cool, like 'oe shit dun mess wit dat guy, joo heer? he da chillost guy.' That's the guy he wants to be. An aspiring cool guy. I mean, he would be liked if he was cool, right? People just like him because he's easy to tease, right? He'd be the perfect cool guy, right? Guys? BACK ME UP HERE! How they got the invite: He was good friends with Harper, because she was one of the people who he thought cool. And funny. And fun to be with. He likes parties very little, (maybe because he was NEVER INVITED TO ANY:c) but he does like his friends a lot, so he ended up going anyways, since Harper was leaving and other such things. Brief bit about them: Growing up, when he was about 8 or so, his dorkiness started to show. He started to become lots more of a pacifist than he was when he was much younger, and so he didn’t like fighting. Like, at all. Like, he hated it. When he had to, he would always wimp out, and this resulted in his nickname, ‘Wimp.’ Obviously, he hated that too. So, he started thinking that he HAD to fight. You know, to be super cool. Supercool. That was his new goal, to get the nickname Supercool. See, since he was a wimp from age 8 to now, nobody really hung out with him. Well, maybe the couple of friends that didn't goe to den KEWL KIDS. In da cluuuuuuub. He was very envious of their club though. That’s why he wanted to be He wanted to be cool, but not one of those jerks who left their friends when they were cool, he didn’t want to be like those people. He wanted his dorky friends, and some cool friends. A balance. A healthy, healthy, balance. His family life was a...bit of a mess. Not too much. He was an only child for 5+ years of his life of his knowledge, and not knowing he had two brothers until he was about 6 or 9 at the most. It wasn't hard, though. A middle-class family, and with classic family issues. Yes. And until he was about 8, he didn't get to see his mother much. In fact, his mother was going to a school for beauty at age 30, BUT, his father was a slightly-known beat maker, and this he took slight pride in. Nobody knew about him at school and stuff, so.....fuck. and it didn't pass on. FU- Notes: Hasn't been in...anything relationship related, was a good reader but apparently he lost that abolity, cannot do push-ups, can run fast though. --- did it. Combination of two characters into this.