[b]Name:[/b] Alex Albero [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 26 [url=http://dreamself.me/full.php?fg=0&ffg=0&bg=10410431&back=0&hat=0&accen=0&face=10347445&hair=10634072&accef=0&pose=0&top=10635743&coat=0&acceh=0&bottom=0&shoe=0&bodycolor=17000198&action=change&id=0&]Appearance[/url] [b]Birthday:[/b] Summer 13 [b]Role:[/b] Doctor [b]Personality:[/b] Focused, irritated, caring, blunt. Alex will go out of his way for others without hesitation, but seems to be in a constant state of annoyance at all times. [b]Likes:[/b] Books, baked goods, sweets, juice, herbs, winter, snow, experimenting, stripes [b]Dislikes:[/b] Flowers, bitter food, sour food, summer, heat, complaining, physical labor, polka dots, talking, cooking [b]History:[/b] Alex is a mystery to most, almost entirely because he dislikes talking about himself to any great length. In truth, he dislikes talking. He came to Mineral Town at the request of his colleague, the former doctor, who was forced to leave the town due to various circumstances. While a very skilled physician, Alex struggled at first, being unused to having such...friendly neighbors. He has since become rather cemented in the town, always appearing at events despite how disinterested he may seem about them, and being known as someone who will always be willing to lend a hand in almost any situation despite showing an incredible amount of annoyance at being distracted or bothered from his work. He keeps the clinic open at all times, except during festivals and town events, and even in the dead of the night responds to knocks on his door with the same question of "How can I help?" albeit said with a glare and a grumble. It is well known that bringing the doctor sweets usually removes his usual sour attitude and gets things moving with a lot less muttering on his part. The running rumor explaining his annoyance is that he's tired of being mistaken for a woman constantly due to his hair and slender frame.