Ethan watched the transformation carefully. It was incredible to behold, like a real life, and far more elegant version of something out of a television show. As he gazed at the youkai's new form, he had to resist the temptation to touch his skin. Even in this “human” form, the creature seemed otherworldly. The white skin could be achieved through genetic manipulation, and the silver hair could be had through a combination of genetic manipulation and expensive hair dye, but that knowledge did little to make the cat's appearance seem any more “normal.” Yet, he did not strike the young man as being deformed. In fact, he seemed... beautiful. Ethan could not think of a better word for it. He listened carefully as the youkai answered his question, unwilling to interrupt. “So basically, you decided to separate yourselves from humans because many of us were being complete jerks. I can understand that. Hell, I wish I could separate myself from humanity sometimes.” He removed his glasses, wiping them on his shirt. As he put them back on, he noticed the youkai clutching his shoulder. “Is something wrong, are you hurt?” he asked, both concern and curiosity creeping into his voice.