Her right leg thudded into his left arm and was stopped dead, but her left just kept right on going, sliding beneath the arm even as the claw it houses slid out and towards his ribcage, aiming to bury itself deep enough to puncture both lungs. Maybe that would shut him up. The second kick would land the instant before his punch did, thanks to the fact it was already moving, but with that much momentum in his blow already it wouldn't do anything to change the power of his attack, even if her claw landed and pierced all the way into the side of his torso. She winced as the punch slammed into her sternum, and had her bones been composed of anything other than vibranium it would have sent her flying a good deal farther than a few meters. As it was though, her bones soaked up the impact like a dry sponge soaks up water and she hardly moved at all, thanks also to her grip on the hilt of her sword. Her right hand, closed into a fist around the grip of her pistol, suddenly sprouted the claws he had been about to brag about noticing and slashed down toward his elbow fast enough that he wouldn't have time to withdraw from the punch before they reached him. If all went well, he'd lose both the arm and the ability to breath almost simultaneously. Though she didn't really know how much of an effect the second one would have on him, being a terminator and all.