[hider=Jason Karkeif, the most awesome half dwarf you've ever seen! >:O] Character Name: Jason Karkeif Species: Half Dwarf Species description: Half dwarves aren't in fact as short as their pure origins, often standing just slightly below an average human.They tend to be rather broad and stocky, and are a bit more naturally strong than a human. The bones of a half dwarf are strong and sturdy, able to withstand much more impact without damage, this also goes for their thick skulls. While half dwarves don't grow facial hair at even a fraction of the speed a dwarf does, they still have trouble with keeping it in check, even the females. Due to their solid structure, half dwarves lack the agility gifted to other races. Their appearance is usually similar to the average human. Half dwarves inherit the huge appetites of pure dwarves, able to take on 5-10 times the nourishment that humans can. Gender: Male Noteworthy Abilities / Limitations: -Eating - Jason has a monstrous appetite, even in comparison to dwarves, and he can take on anything you throw at him. -Trading/Bartering - Jason has a knack for the arts of trading, able to knock down the price of merchandise with a stubborn tongue and a bit of cleverness. -Strength - Jason is quite strong from repeated hefting and heavy lifting, he's able to carry a good weight around. -Hand-to-Hand Combat - Due to numerous fights that Jason started in defense of his honor, he's developed quite a skill for hand-to-hand combat. -Endurance - Jason's body is well-suited for extended physical exertion, and he's able to keep up work for a long period of time. -Stubborn - Jason's hard-headed and won't stop his efforts until he has what he wants, high will-power and doesn't give up. Background: Jason's story started long ago, on the day his parents met. His mother was a dwarven trader, who traveled for a living selling her wares. Jason's father was a human soldier at the Eblistan Citadel, brash and unwavering. It was one fateful day in a tiny rundown bar residing in Eblistan that the two met, both of them taking to spirits after a long day of work. The kindred souls were immediately attracted to each other despite their racial differences, and soon developed feelings for each other. Jason's mother stopped her entire caravan purely to get to know the man better, and it only developed from there. It was the day that the dwarf came to tell Jason's father of the child within her when the man was sent deployed in a skirmish against the elves on the borders. Jason's mother waited for day after day for the man's return, but he never came back. Jason was born nine months later, no complications rather than his broad size. He was a giggling and cheery baby, always off on his own adventures, and this continued throughout his childhood. Jason's mother went back to trading after her husband's death, resulting in the two often travelling, never staying in one place for too long. Jason was often made fun of by other children met across his travels, which often ended with the perpetrators obtaining broken noses and blackened eyes. Jason's life continued like this, which gifted him with a broad view of the world they lived in. Everything was well until the boy reached the tender age of fifteen. Throughout his life of trading, Jason and his mother made recurring visits to a certain fief out in the Eblistan plains. Jason developed romantic feelings for a girl of the same age that resided on the land, the two often sneaking away to be alone together. Jason often urged his mother to make trips to the land, resulting in her guessing the nature of their relationship. She smiled and laughed at the thought, though warned Jason about the girl's father. He was a greedy and highly racist man, only agreeing to trade with Jason's mother because of the fine wares that could only be obtained from the hands of dwarves. Jason promised to take caution in their relationship, but it wasn't long until the man caught the two sharing a tender kiss in the shade of a tree. The noble yelled, screaming for Jason to leave the property and never come back. Seeing the man grab the girl by the hair and yank her toward him, Jason flew into a rage and attacked the noble. Getting caught up in his anger, Jason halted to see the man bloodied and beat on the ground, but still living. Jason turned and fled, going to tell his mother of the events that had occurred. The girl's father, vindictive and full of anger at the half dwarf, sent his men to burn and sack their wagon. On their way off the land, the wagon was pillaged and destroyed, along with Jason's mother, who was killed after brandishing a knife and stabbing one of the men. Crushed and ruined after the death of his mother and the destruction of their business, Jason tried to seek comfort from the noble's daughter, ultimately resulting in her decision to agree with her father's wishes. Jason made his way back to the Eblistan Citadel on foot, weighed down by grief and despair. He felt like giving up, and he almost did, but his stubborn pride was what kept him from it. Pushing past his despair-riddled mind, Jason took out a loan and bought a couple horses and a wagon, deciding to start up his own business to survive. Making his way back to the Dwarven lands, Jason stocked up his wares and started his new life of trading, alone. A new life was before him, and he would make the best of what he had and start anew. This life lasted another two years, and Jason soon shed the despair that had encircled him. Business was a boom, and Jason had soon accumulated enough funds to pay back his debt and build himself a little house out in the wilderness. Everything was going well, until Jason was unknowingly caught up in trading with a treasonous group set on usurping the powers of the land. When trading with the group, soldiers managed to track them down and capture all participants, including Jason. He was deemed a traitor, and now is in the dungeon awaiting his fate. Appearance: Short and stocky, Jason stands at a height of 5'4. He's broad and strong, and rather solid. Jason wears his red-orange hair at a medium length that hangs down past his ears. His hair is curly and untamable, always messy and disoriented. Has a rather large nose that looks as if its been broken a few times, resulting in it being quite crooked. Jason has brown eyes. His arms and legs are short, and Jason is long-waisted. Broad-shouldered. His eyes always have a curious, and mischievous glint to them. Reason for Detainment: Treason[/hider]