[center][img] http://www.pictureshoster.com/files/sasskpn2rzq0i7ncr.png [/img][/center] --- [b]Name:[/b] Vivienne Peck [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Birthday:[/b] Summer 2 [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Role:[/b] Chicken Farmer [b]Likes:[/b] Chickens. Sweets. Adventures. Being Outside. Swimming. Napping. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Eggs. Bugs. Bossy People. Waking Up Early. Tomatoes. Winter. [b]Living Location:[/b] Peck Ranch. [b]Personality:[/b] Witty. Hard Working. Adventurous. Caring. Family Oriented. Spunky. Curious. [b]Story:[/b] The Peck family had been in this town for as long as anyone could remember. Antonio's late father had established a Ranch up near the base of the mountains for people to trade and buy livestock as they pleased. At his passing, Antonio took the business into his own hands with the help of his stern but generous wife; Eva. It was hard the first few years, but once Antonio got the hang of things business couldn't be better and the Peck family couldn't be happier. At least that is what everyone in town thought. Behind closed doors, the two desperately wanted a child, year after year they prayed to the Goddess to bring them a child. But their prayers were not answered. Finally Antonio traveled to the Goddess with his finest chicken, his finest cow, and his finest horse. Offering the Goddess these gifts, he asked once more for her to bless them with a child. One year later, the wish had came true, and into the world came Vivienne. Vivienne Peck. Granted, they really wanted a boy, but a little girl would have to do. Years went by as the girl grew, learning everything there was to know about the farm, being a lady (though she sometimes doesn't always enjoy those things), and just appreciating the land. Vivi's father and mother had raised her well, and she began her own little business running a chicken farm down the road from her parents. There she collected and sold eggs to the people in town, raking in quite the profit for herself here and there. Mostly she just enjoyed the idea of having something to do, mostly. For now Vivienne just lives day to day, hoping someone will come along and bring some adventure into her life.