So this is entirely up my alley. Mind if I jump in? [b]Name:[/b] Melissa Marweather [b]Appearance:[/b] A short, 26-year-old girl, with short, curly blue hair, the same shade as cotton candy. Her face is pale, and riddled with freckles, and her eyes are hidden behind a pair of wide mirrorshade sunglasses. She wears an oversized black cotton trenchcoat over the tshirt to some band and plain blue jeans, hiding her mostly small bust. A pair of noisy, black boots mark her footsteps. [b]Cliches:[/b] -Console Cowgirl(4): The rush of green on black lines, fencing stolen data past political boundaries without getting caught. While the truth is not nearly as glamorous, she lives for the thrill of illegal online activities, and has gotten quite good at them. -Minor in Languages(2): Back in college, Melissa studied languages and how they were put together, and picked up a basic understanding of French, Spanish, Taxilingo, and Mandarin. Not fluent, really, but enough to get by. -Wired(2): After half a dozen hackjobs in a strangers van, she's acquired a brand new eye and a matching set of cyberwarfare oriented implants, ranging from an ECM suite to sniffers and fuzzers and spoofers, all linked to the best hardware available at the time. And all it cost was a kidney. -Love and Tolerance for Nootropics(1): After many sleepless nights running warez under the influence, Melissa's accumulated a long list of somewhat reputable vendors for just about every drug under the sun, and the need for a double dose on half of them. -Insomniac(1): She's used to staying up late, and that isn't changing anytime soon, for better or worse. [b]How You Got Here:[/b] A college graduate deep in debt, Melissa turned to her old hobby of bypassing mainframes to earn enough money to dig herself out. After a couple jobs on her own, she found out she wasn't as smart as she thought she was the hard way, and wound up going through several employers of increasing dubiousness, until turning up for a job at Steelhead Inc. Now, she is still deep in college debt as well as wanted by the Mafia and only a few major corporations.