(Done Editing) Name: Corina Cherry Strickland aka C.C Gender: Female Age: 25 Appearance: Corina stands at about 5'5" and has long dark purple hair that almost resembles black. Corina has steel blue eyes and white skin, she usally wears a black tshirt, blue jeans and knee high leather boots, Corina always has a smile on her face no matter what feelings she is going through. Birthday: Spring 13 Role: Innkeeper Personality: Corina is a smart and witty girl, she is always very exicted and jumpy, she can be annoying to some people but most people enjoy Corina's presence. Likes: Jellyfish, Pigs, Turtles, People, Trees, Romance Books, and Money Dislikes: Mushrooms, Technology, Indoors, Public Toilets History On Spring 13 Corina Cherry Strickland was born to parents Gordy and Angel Strickland. Corina grew close bonds to almost everyone in Mineral Town and even some of the animals. Corina and her grandmother, Agnes, where very close, when Corina was thirteen Agnes passed away from cancer. Corina was shocked that happened so quick. She eventually understood but didn't know why her grandmother would be the victim. At age fifteen her father left her mlther and moved to a different town, Corina and Angel then bought the local inn and Angel eventually remarried, Corina was married for abput four months, then divorced the man after he wasn't home for two weeks staright. At age 22, Corina's mother and new husband retired and Corina took over the inn, she has owned it ever since. Other: Corina is single and has a small cottage close to the inn.