[b]Character Name: [/b] Mundhir Sadek [b]Species: [/b] Human [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Noteworthy Abilities / Limitations: [/b] [list] - [b]Prince of Eblistan:[/b] Mundhir is a Prince of Eblistan, and seventh in line to the throne. With such royalty assigned to his name, he commands a great deal of respect amongst the peoples of Eblistan. Such respect can arouse the most heroic of feats in the lowliest of peasants. - [b]Expert Swordsman:[/b] Mundhir, like many of his countrymen, is more than adept in the use of the sabre. Being from the Royal House, his training has been lavished somewhat when compared to the average man. He is quick on his feet, and deadly in single combat. - [b]Chivalrous:[/b] Mundhir does not believe in dishonest combat. He will neither strike a downed opponent, nor strike at them from the shadows. The use of poison is beyond his pallet, and if someone truly must die, he’ll oft give them a chance to defend themselves properly. In his short but colourful career as a commander of men, he has never executed prisoners, or pursued a routed army. [/list] [b]Background: [/b] Mundhir is a Prince of Eblistan, and seventh in line to the throne. Growing up in prettied gardens of the royal residences, he was taught life’s finer curriculum, whether it was poetry, art, language, history or lovemaking. However, this by no means makes Mundhir a weak man. Though only thirty years old, he has experienced the bloody nightmare of war several times. Usually serving at the head of his father’s World Breakers, he is an elite warrior of few equals, and is considered to be of a deadly tactical disposition. Given the chance to command an army, he would no doubt lead Elblistan to reclaim its former glory – if only his status in the Sadek bloodline would permit him Growing increasingly impatient of serving a father who lacked vision, and brothers that lacked conviction, Mundhir started to look beyond the limitations of his station to serve his peoples. Starting small, he gathered a few of his loyal soldiers to his cause, and waged an unsanctioned yet effective campaign against the repeated aggression of Eblistan’s neighbours. Outnumbered, he often relied on the use of guerrilla tactics to beat down his enemies; horse riding and archery became the mainstay of his military doctrine, echoing the Prophet Ebli Khan’s stratagem a millennium ago. Going from strength to strength, Mundhir finally laid the foundations of his enduring legacy. At the head of five hundred of his mamelukes, he was able to rout Prince Thrandel of Nillanor in the ruins of Baalor; securing Eblistan’s eastern border for at least another year against High Elven aggression. The victory gave him fame, more soldiers and wealth; it also gained him envy. Though he would do well for Eblistan, his brothers, shocked by his resourcefulness and his popularity with the people, saw it fit to have him murdered. One night, busy planning the logistics of his military endeavours as he often was, Mundhir was set upon by masked assassins. His sabre was nearby, and he was able to defend himself – but sustained a lethal dose of Ice Venom from the tainted blade of his attackers. He succumbed quickly, and the world darkened around him. The last things he could remember, were the irritated curses of his killers. [b]Appearance: [/b] [hider=Mundhir Sadek][img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs49/f/2009/208/8/e/CHOW167__Saladin_by_Edge_01.jpg][/hider] [center]Mundhir is a handsome man of princely qualities. Though, like the average Eblistani, he stands around 5’7. He has a wiry frame, better suited to the speed of a sabre than the heft of an axe.[/center] [b]Reason for the Arrest:[/b] Mundhir’s assassins presume him dead, and have had his “corpse” taken to Eblistan Citadel’s dungeon to rot as a final insult. His father has been told by his traitorous brothers that he died at the hands of a High Elven ambush, out on the frontiers.