[Center]Name: Rin Zeela-Tae (roughly translates to Rin Two-Tails) [/center] Gender: Male Lizard Age: 23 Race: Reptillian bipedial sapien [Center]Physical Appearance and Species Description[/center] [Center][Img] https://fbcdn-photos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/1901297_10202110026804693_604806629_n.jpg[/img][/center] [Center] "Are you going to eat that dead bird over there?" -Rin Zeela-Tae[/center] Height: 5' 9" (8' 10" including tail) Weight: 198 lbs His scales are tough as iron along his back yet soft and flexible near joints and under his belly. Mostly a faded green from constant sun exposure and a pale yellow-orange under his stomach. The spikes on his back are brittle but sharp and imposing, they also make good makshift fishhooks if he breaks them off (which he usually does... they grow back) His teeth and claws are obviously sharp and show off his carniverous diet regiment. He can run and climb with ease and can often lift 1.5x his bodyweight without much strain and 2x his bodyweight if he really tries. [Center]Equipment: [/center] -Hempen Rope (roughly 20ft) (currently not on him) -Hempen loincloth which when unfolded doubles as a fishing net -Bronze decorative collar along with small stones of flint wrapped along it -Staff (fallen tree branch) doubles as fishing rod and walking stick. (Currently not on him) -Several small animal skin pouches holding "food", ointments, animal bait, and a nugget sized piece of raw glass (currently not on him) -Two bracelets, one made of flintstone and another made from iron. One on each hand. [Center]Personality:[/center] Relying more on instinct than intelligence, the knowledge he gained is soley for the purpose of supporting those instincts that have been honed and developed over years past. Trusting his gut before all else. Rin is quick to learn, yet slow to assimilate. If he picked up a revolver he could figure out the basics fairly quickly but would still prefer claws and teeth. [Center]"Rin prefers to do things the way he likes, if He did not like... then Rin does not do them. Simple?"[/center] [Center]Goals: [/center] 1) Help the others survive in the lands he knows well, for a profit 2) Visit his old kin whom lay in hiding from him 3) Find a good fishing spot [Center]Beliefs:[/center] 1) "If its alive, you can probabbly eat it." 2) "Keep away from magical stuff, you will lose your tail." 3) "Do not change nature, keep it simple and easy to read... except for food stalls, add more food stalls." [Center]Background:[/center] Rin is rather scrawny and small in comparison to his other kin. Most other reptillians rarely leave the desert oasis where he originally came from, and even less do more than just lay around on rocks all day getting fat off the dead buzzards and night crawlies. Not saying his kin are fat and lazy, in fact they are a well established migrating colony that never stays in one spot for long. Often passing trade routes and trading what unique items they find out in no-mans land to the townfolk for mundane supplies. They only have one big drawback that Rin could not stand.... THEY WERE BORING! Rin could not take it. Eat, sleep, eat, sleep, trade, eat, sleep. That's it! What a horrible life!. At the age of 17 Rin ventured away from the camp and made way towards the closest town. Within the same day he almost got killed by a couple of rogue bandits and lost a tail in the process. A traveling hunter found him half dead on the side of the road and dragged his body to his lodge in hopes of skinning him to make some nice boots only to find out he was still breathing. The aggrivated hunter decided to treat him and nurse him back to health until he was able to work off the resources he wasted on him to treat him. Once better the hunter handed Rin a fishing rod and a net and sent him off to catch some fish. The confused lizard took the items and walked in the direction the hunter gestured and soon came by a creek with salmon literally jumping out of the water. Rin all too excited used the pole to vault himself into the creek in which he quickly entangled himself in the net, almost drowning. Hours later the hunter found him by the riverbed unconcious yet again. After nursing the lizard back to health yet again, the hunter decided to teach the lizard how to work off his growing debt correctly. Teaching him how to cast the net and hook the fish with the rod. Scaling, cooking and salting the fish for storage. Rin loved every minute of it, fishing was something new to him and for a full year all he did was visit the river and fish. He soon stayed with the hunter and payed lodgings as he learned more things from the hunter, taking trips with him to the town to trade furs and various meats and dried fish. Going hunting in the forests with him and learning how to hunt. Before he knew it years passed by and there wasn't a single thing the hunter knew that he didn't. They became good friends and enjoyed each others company as Rin slowly developed his own methods of hunting and fishing while still paying the man rent. The years flew by and Rin's sense of adventure started up again. Rin left the hunters side promising to come back to repay his debt every now and than. Rin soon ventured out and did his own thing. Not staying in one place for long but still somewhat near the desertlands that he was born in. Vowing that one day he would go back and find his kin to show them all that he has learned. [Center]"Abilities/Limitations"[/center] Racial Traits: Hist Skin- Just like how most lizards can grow back limbs, Rin can heal major wounds over time. (Assuming he does not bleed out or get decapitated) Rin can heal minor cuts and bruises in minutes, major gashes or loss of claws or fingers in hours and an arm, leg or tail in days. This takes much concentration. The drain on his body is only moderate but constant for a long period of time. He cannot fight in this state let alone hardly walk at a regular pace if severely injured. [Center]"Rin is on his third tail already... maybe I should change my name..." -Rin Zeela-Tae [/center] Thermal vision- As do all Reptilians, Rin is able to see the heat given off of objects or people. Rin is well trained in its use and can pickup not only common heat sources but the minor temperature changes given off from old footprints and or dull heat signatures behind walls. *This is not magic, its biological. [Center]"Rin can... see... you... little one." -Rin Zeela-Tae[/center] Resilient scales- Unlike the spongy flesh of humans or fuzzy coats adorned by most beastmen, Rins scales are as tough as iron in some spots yet still as flexible as leather in others. The scales on his back and tail are the hardest, while his belly and limbs are more leathery and flexible. Known Skills: Skilled outdoorsman- Rin spends 90% of his day (and night) hunting game, he knows the land better than the spikes on his back. He can read markings of any kind created by nature or man (except magical) and can use natures resources to its fullest potential. Tracker- An excellent tracker thanks to his innate heat vision and agile frame able to scale trees and rocks with ease, he uses every physical sense to track his prey unnoticed Claws, teeth and tail- instead of most who prefer a sharp blade or stout arrow, Rin prefers his razor sharp teeth and durable claws. Often running and catching up to all but the fastest prey he finds a quick bite to the back of ones neck is much more reliable than an arrow in his mind. His tail is heavy and often used as a counterweight. The end is adorned with tiny brittle spikes that are mostly cosmetic. (But the enemy doesn't know that) Spells/Powers: None Rin cannot use magic effectively. If he tries it often blows up in his face.... literally [Center]"Rin knew a great wizard once... we played a game he called GET OUT! Haha he always lost...." [/center] [Center]Reason for detainment:[/center] He "accidentally" ate one of the Dukes prized cows. Character Concept: "The Arkwardly Naked Lizard-Man"