[u]Yamato Eiichi[/u] He sat neither at the council table, nor with the attendees in the meeting hall. The joys of being law enforcement put him off to the side of the council, leaning on the wall midway between the groups, of all things. Yamato's job was to observe, not participate, in the goings on here. And he was quite happy to let the council take charge of the talking. He reached to his side to pull out his pocket notebook. Other policemen might find it a silly object to take down numbers, names, and doodles in. But he remembered when there were no such things as computers. This was as high tech as you got, when he was growing up. Of course, his family had always been traditionalist. And, while on the topic... None of them were present, except for his grandfather and father. No doubt the others felt little need to be involved here. The elders would say what logically needed to be said, and all the information needed could be [i]extracted[/i] from himself. In other words, they treated the murder like anything else. No unnecessary actions. Soon enough, the council began the meeting however. And he was ready. Notes in one hand, and a spell on his lips, ready for action. Who knows what could happen in this room? Long standing trust was a bit shaky, and Mary’s family were under some stress. Someone had to open this meeting up though.