[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/JgfLLQy.gif[/img][/center] [center][b]A Message to Rebel High Command[/b][/center] I am hereby authorized by the President of the United States to offer terms of surrender to the Southern Rebels occupying the city of Charleston. The Federal Government's terms of surrender are thus: 1. All Rebel forces will lay down their arms, all soldiers being granted free pass back to their homes after Federal forces have taken their weapons, ammunition, and artillery. Any Rebel owning a horse will be allowed to keep it. 2. All Rebel states will allow for readmission back into the United States of America and vow to uphold the nation's laws and constitution, as well as any and all constitutional amendments that have passed since their attempted rebellion. In addition, I have warrants of arrest signed by the Attorney General of the United States for the following individuals, all wanted for High Treason and Crimes Against the United States: Sen. Jefferson Davis (MS), Mr. Alexander H. Stephens (GA), Mr. Judah P. Benjamin (LA), Mr. Stephen R. Mallory (FL) Col. Robert E. Lee (VA) Maj. George Henry Thomas (VA) Maj. PGT Beauregard (LA) Brig. General Albert S. Johnston (TX) Mr. Nathan Bedford Forrest (TN) Two massive Union armies are on the outskirts of South Carolina, slavery has been abolished in the Union. We have blockaded your coasts and cut off your lifelines to the outside world. You have nothing left to fight for. Prolonged resistance will only mean the suffering of more men on both sides of this bloody conflict. We do not wish to harm any more Southern men, but your actions in the following twenty-four hours will make the choice for us. Surrender with honor, or fight without honor until your bitter end. The choice is yours. Lt. General Ulysses S. Grant Commanding General, US Army