[hider=Nessa Anarae][b]Name: [/b]Nessa Anarae [b]Species: [/b]Shadow (Dark Elf) [b]Species Description:[/b] A recent and small branch off of Dark Elves, Shadows share many of the same talents as their ancestors. Their dark gray skin, night vision, magical inclination, and stealth comes from their predecessors. Shadow Elves are highly adapted to the night and are usually never seen during the day since it is too bright to see anything. They specialize in manipulating shadows in their favor and creating their own smoke-like shadows. By focusing so thoroughly on illusionary magic, they have lost their strength in almost all forms of other magic, unlike the Dark Elves who are adept at many disciplines of magic. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Abilities and Limitations:[/b][indent] [b]Illusionary Shadows:[/b] As an assassin, her ability to shroud herself in darkness dramatically increases her success rate. Only effective at night, this cloaking device makes her virtually undetectable; however, because of the smokey nature of self-created shadows, her cloaking illusions are distinguishable to those with keen eyes, or those who are looking. If she does happen to get into close-range combat, she will try to escape as quickly as possible. Nessa is weaker than most, but her speed has saved her life on multiple occasions. Typically, before she makes a run for it, she will temporarily blind her enemy by sending a flurry of smokey shadows that stains their vision. She can only blind one person at a time, but so far this hasn't caused her much trouble. If all else fails, she does have one last trick up her sleeve: Smoke Bomb. Self explanatory, it doesn’t do any damage, but can help her escape from a small crowd. [b]Terror: [/b]More for the scare factor than anything else, Nessa can manipulate preexisting shadows. A personal favorite of hers, she can distort people's own shadows on the floor, expanding them and making them look like a monster's. She's gotten quite good at breaking her targets mentally before finally killing them. Preexisting shadows will not have the smokey effect of her conjured ones. [b]Flight (not really): [/b]By creating wings, she can enhance the height of her jumps, and slow her descent when falling from high places to prevent injury. This helps compensate for her surprising inability to climb. [b]Poison and Weapons:[/b] Never bothering to learn anything fancy, Nessa picked up the fundamentals of how to make various poisons. She uses both crossbows and, on rare occasion, long bows. By adding a bit of poison into her bolts and arrows, she increases the amount of damage done with a single shot. Combining this with expert precision, Nessa is quite a threat. Shooting poisonous darts or arrows is her preferred method of assassination, but sometimes simply lacing her target's ale can be just as effective. She also has a set of daggers that she can throw from a decent distance. Her talents are lethal, but she doesn't have any substantial training with other weaponry and when it comes to close combat, she is fairly inept. Nessa can evade attacks well enough, her speed enabling her avoid serious damage and injury, but her main objective would still be to escape since she would not be able to inflict major damage from a close proximity.[/indent] [b]Background: [/b]Born from and raised by Shadow Elves, she grew up knowing exactly what she would become. Her entire clan was comprised of renowned assassins, and by the time she entered the profession herself, Nessa too grew infamous. Her distinctive style set her apart from her peers, and as she grew older, she became one of best her clan had to offer. Her kills were accurate, and efficient. Though they knew of her, authorities could never find her. Until now, of course. Although the majority of her clan is located in a small trading center along the coast, she had left for the Citadel in hopes of more lucrative targets. Nessa attained success quickly, and avoided capture for years. Her targets were relatively insignificant, she eliminated her employers’ competition, silenced those who knew too much, anyone really. Her luck wore thin, and one of her employers decided to earn some money for himself, and fabricated a new job for her. It was a trap of course, and authorities were stationed throughout the location, too many for her to fight off. She tried every thing she could, but none of her tricks could overpower their brute force. Nessa had grown too confident over the years and let her guard down. A costly mistake. [b]Appearance: [/b] [center][img=http://i58.tinypic.com/25gvs0g.jpg]Note: She predominately uses a crossbow. [/center] [b]Reason for Detainment:[/b] Multiple Accounts of Murder [/hider]