The flesh between his fist and her sternum was almost instantly reduced to a mass of blood and twisted skin and muscle, leaving a hole in her skin and ripping away a portion of her corset as well, but as they had with the punch, her bones soaked up the force of the blast like a dry sponge soaks up water, keeping the damage localized and the brute impact force to a minimum. Still, it hurt like hell. She'd been through worse though, and a growl escaped her lips as she grit her teeth and ignored the pain, [i]but god it hurt[/i], then continued her slash toward his forearm, seeing as the momentum was already there and it would have taken more effort to stop it than let it keep going. Now that she also had a claw buried in his side, she instinctively followed her original plan and used it as leverage to pull her right foot forward, aiming to cut his gun-wielding arm off about midway up the forearm.