Blood. Blood, gore, carnage. That's all Barst could see as he took careful aim with each arrow he sent hurtling towards the ground. Some missed as his targets moved, some struck, and some killed. Deciding that the people down below could handle the remaining bandits, Barst lifted himself to the top of the roof and whistled again, calling his pegasus. He wasn't sure where the flying horse had been, but so long as it came unharmed, he didn't care much. And come unharmed it did. Quickly getting onto his partner, Barst gave the order to fly, and the two were off again. For now, he was looking for anybody who needed help, civilian or defender. Circling over the battlefield, Barst landed amidst a small group of bandits, bow drawn and pegasus flailing its legs. A few screams sounded out, but the bandits managed to collect themselves quickly, taking wild swings at Barst and his pegasus, only for the horse to leap over them, using its wings to make its way over the attacks. Both turning, Barst raised his bow and unleashed an arrow into the group, knocking one attacker to the ground in pain. Tapping his mount's hip with his foot, Barst smiled as an approaching bandit was tossed back by the pegasus's powerful leg. He'd definitely broken a few ribs, probably pierced a lung. The man was dead regardless, his breath and blood pouring from the wound. Releasing one last arrow before flying off, Barst called after the bandits playfully. "Better luck next time, cowards!" He couldn't stay in any one battle long, or his chances of getting hurt skyrocketed. If he was on foot, he might have been able to stay, but the streets were no place to maneuver a pegasus. Having said that, Barst was in the air almost immediately, making his way back to the battlefield. As he got closer though, his blood froze in his veins as a familiar sound reached his ears. FTWAAANG! Almost falling out of his saddle, Barst yanked the reins to the side, pulling his pegasus out of the archer's view. Scanning the ground, he panicked as he didn't notice any allies. This....this was bad. Really bad. Bringing himself to the ground, Barst and his pegasus piled into the nearest alleyway, when they heard a grunt, a curse, and the sound of cracking bone. Making his way towards the sound, Barst turned the corner, his eyes widening as he saw Faris stepping over a bandit's corpse. "Nice to see a familiar face for once..." Shaking his head, Barst sighed. "Place has gone to hell. You know where the rest of the fighting is? I can't go back into the air, we almost got our wings clipped a minute ago."