( Helath shouted back as he took a roundabout route to the man- not, the monster- using a woman as a shield. With all the noise going on it was fairly easy to sneak up on a cocky bandit. Letting out a small sigh Helath raised his own axe in one hand, sheathed the other and stepped in closer, closer... closer... When he was only a foot away from him Helath simultaneously grabbed the bandits wrist to push the blade away from the girl and swiped the axe through the man's leg with tremendous strength, cutting it clear off. The axe left the bandits hand as he fell to the ground in pain. Still holding the man's wrist, just in case, Helath looked up at the swordsman. "Sorry to cut in, but I wasn't having any of that shit. Name's Helath." As the man continued to writhe in pain, Helath brought his axe down in his head, stopping the movement. Taking his axe back out of the head by resting his foot on the skull and yanking, Helath draw his swordreaver and turned toward the battle. "Still up for fighting?" he asked the swordsman. ) How'd it Ninja you? I posted it yesterday :P