Shu was definitely a little confused when it came to trying to understand twins, especially when he had never encountered them before. He didn’t know if one felt lost without the other or how they communicated so well, they might even be the same person in two bodies for all he knew; however, he did know that they had very different personalities and didn’t act the same way. If he and Takeshi were like that then he would definitely feel more than confused because he wouldn’t know whether he is himself or Takeshi. Trying to shake off the confusion, he frowned as he looked up to Takeshi, tilting his head slightly as he too questioned the twins, “Ooh? Weird twin thing? Maybe…” he sighed, scratching his chest, “Don’t we look different because I’m younger? Did you look like me when I was your age…? What do I look like? Do I look like you? I don’t really know what I look like”. Viral could easily beat the kid in battle; it was almost an insult to put him up against this guy as practice. His attack was pretty solid, managing to hit the kid away with his knee as if he was a ball. Growling lowly, he stared at Haku and slowly stepped forward and hissed at him as he instead started to mock this little training session. It was such arrogance to think of such a thing, that it was all stupid. Insulted and angered, he raised his paws as he watched the kid make a dash straight back into battle. Throwing down his paw, he missed the kid by just a little bit who immediately went behind him, ramming an elbow into his back. That one sent a pretty good tingle up his back, sending him on alert as he immediately spun around, trying to grab hold of the kid in an attempt to pin him down with an angry snarl his claws coming pretty close to Haku as he was soon finding Haku’s smell to be slightly overwhelming.