[center][img=http://oi59.tinypic.com/a4bvwz.jpg][/center] [center][b]IC[/b][/center] Criminals are dying once again all across the world. The murders all look like typical accidents, but there is too great of a coincidence for that to be the case. The Japanese police suspect that there is a new Kira on the rise. When they went to their database to draw out information on the last Kira, they found that all the information was gone! Someone had gone in and erased everything, leaving the police with nothing. Desperate to stop the murders, the UN sent a letter pleading the world’s greatest detectives to assist in the case. Congratulations, you are one of them. --- [center][b]OOC[/b][/center] Okay so I've wanted to do a RP like this for a long time. Basically it's a mass-murder mystery with the use of the Death Note: a notebook given to a human by a shinigami (God of Death). The murderer can kill whomever he/she wishes, as long as he/she knows the target's name and face. The story will play out similar to the anime, with the Japanese police investigating the killer (known as "Kira" because of the English word "killer"). The only difference is that there will be multiple detectives: all of you. Those who join this RP will be the detectives chasing after Kira. Except for one. One lucky person will get the role of Kira. He/she will have to kill NPCs and even other players without getting caught. Honestly, this role is probably the most fun. Whoever plays as Kira will pm me what he/she wants to write in his/her Death Note (along with any other things he/she wants to add. i.e: conversations with shinigami, thoughts about the detectives, etc…), and I'll post the entry in the IC so Kira's identity stays a secret. The person who gets this role will have to be creative in how he/she goes about killing of the other players, so they don't suspect him/her. It's up to everyone else to try and get Kira before Kira gets you. PM me if you are interested in playing as Kira. --- [center][b]Details for Kira[/b][/center] [hider=Shinigami][center][img=http://oi61.tinypic.com/w0l6yv.jpg][/center] [center][b]Nobuk[/b][/center] [center]This shinigami has a very sarcastic personality, although he speaks in a monotone voice which can lead one to be confused as to whether he is serious or not. He is fond of human technology –something he didn’t have in the shinigami realm– and can often be found staring into a television screen or hovering near a phone call. He thinks of his relationship with Kira as a game, so he might occasionally drop hints about Kira’s enemies to make things more interesting. However, he never reveals a name. It amuses him to watch Kira struggle to gain information on his/her own.[/center][/hider] [hider=Death Note Rules][list=1] [*]The human whose name is written in this note shall die.[/*] [*]This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected.[/*] [*]If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack.[/*] [*]The human who uses the notebook can neither go to Heaven nor Hell.[/*] [*]If the time of death is written within 40 seconds after writing the cause of death as a heart attack, the time of death can be manipulated, and the time can go into effect within 40 seconds after writing the name.[/*] [*]The human who touches the Death Note can recognize the image and voice of its original owner, a god of death, even if the human is not the owner of the note.[/*] [*]The person in possession of the Death Note is possessed by a god of death , its original owner, until they die.[/*] [*]Gods of death, the original owners of the Death Note, do not do, in principle, anything which will help or prevent the deaths in the note.[/*] [*]A god of death has no obligation to completely explain how to use the note or rules which will apply to the human who owns it unless asked.[/*] [*]A god of death can extend their own life by putting a name on their own note, but humans cannot.[/*] [*]The human who becomes the owner of the Death Note can, in exchange of half his/her remaining life, get the eyeballs of the god of death which will enable him/her to see a human's name and remaining life span when looking through them.[/*] [*]The conditions for death will not be realized unless it is physically possible for that human or it is reasonably assumed to be carried out by that human.[/*] [*]One page taken from the Death Note, or even a fragment of the page, contains the full effects of the note.[/*] [*]The instrument to write with can be anything, e.g. cosmetics, blood, etc. as long as it can write directly onto the note and remains as legible letters.[/*] [*]You may also write the cause and/or details of death prior to filling in the name of the individual. Be sure to insert the name in front of the written cause of death. You have about 19 days according to the human calendar in order to fill in a name.[/*] [*]The Death Note will not affect those under 780 days old.[/*] [*]The Death Note will be rendered useless if the victim's name is misspelled four times.[/*] [*]Whether the cause of the individual's death is either a suicide or accident; if the death leads to the death of more than the intended, the person will simply die of a heart attack. This is to ensure that other lives are not influenced.[/*] [*]As you see above, the time and conditions of death can be changed, but once the victim's name has been written, the individual's death can never be avoided.[/*] [*]If you lose the Death Note or have it stolen, you will lose its ownership unless you retrieve it within 490 days.[/*] [*]If you have traded the eye power of a god of death, you will lose the eye power as well as the memory of the Death Note, once you lose its ownership. At the same time, the remaining half of your life will not be restored.[/*] [*]You may lend the Death Note to another person while maintaining its ownership. Subletting it to yet another person is possible, too.[/*] [*]The borrower of the Death Note will not be followed by a god of death. The god of Death always remains with the owner of the Death Note. Also, the borrower cannot trade the eyesight of the god of death.[/*] [*]When the owner of the Death Note dies while the Note is being lent, its ownership will be transferred to the person who is holding it at that time.[/*] [*]If the Death Note is stolen and the owner is killed by the thief, its ownership will automatically be transferred to the thief.[/*] [*]The god of death must not tell humans the names or life spans of individuals he/she sees. This is to avoid confusion in the human world.[/*] [*]In order to see the names and life spans of humans by using the eye power of the god of death, the owner must look at more than half of that person's face.[/*] [*]If above conditions are met, names and life spans can be seen through photos and pictures, no matter how old they are. But this is sometimes influenced by the vividness and size. Also, names and life spans cannot be seen by face drawings, however realistic they may be.[/*] [*]The individuals who lose the ownership of the Death Note will also lose their memory of the usage of the Death Note. This does not mean that he will lose all the memory from the day he owned it to the day he loses possession, but means he will only lose the memory involving the Death Note.[/*] [*]When regaining ownership of the Death Note, the memories associated with the Death Note will also return. In cases where you were involved with other Death Notes as a well, memories of all the Death Notes involved will return.[/*] [*]Even without obtaining ownership, memories will return just by touching the Death Note. The whole Death Note it cannot be a piece or a page.[/*] [/list] Complete list [url=http://deathnote.wikia.com/wiki/Rules_of_the_Death_Note]here[/url].[/hider] [hider=Kira Rules][list=1] [*]Do not reveal your identity to anyone in OOC or IC.[/*] [*]Do not communicate with your shinigami in front of the other detectives.[/*] [*]Do not spam-kill important NPC’s or other players. Allow some time to pass between major kills.[/*] [*]Be creative about how you kill without revealing yourself.[/*] [/list][/hider] --- [center][b]Rules and Applications[/b][/center] [hider=Rules]1. All standard RPG rules apply 2. You may make no more than two CS's (you will probably want two characters in case one gets killed off) 3. Romance is allowed, but please keep it PG-13 4. No OOC posts in the IC 5. Do not kill other players’ characters, unless you are Kira 6. Each post should have a minimum of two good paragraphs 7. Post at least once every two weeks, unless you pm me ahead of time to tell me if you can't 8. PM me your character's real name, but don't share it with anyone else in the OOC[/hider] [hider=CS Outline]Appearance: (anime picture or description only) Alias: (for the sake of consistency, just use a letter) Age: Role: (detective or police?) Personality: Why he/she took the Kira case: Other:[/hider] --- [center][b]Accepted Characters[/b][/center] [center][i]“Soon we will have [b]all[/b] the letters of the alphabet!”[/i][/center] 1. [b]X[/b] – [i]Summer[/i] 2. [b]M[/b] – [i]Summer[/i] 3. [b]C[/b] – [i]Alyss Dolyss[/i] 4. [b]R[/b] – [i]Alyss Dolyss[/i] 5. [b]W[/b] – [i]ImportantNobody[/i] 6. [b]H[/b] – [i]ImportantNobody[/i] 7. [b]G[/b] – [i]Toaw[/i] 8. [b]L[/b] – [i]Tatsua Aiisen[/i] 9. [b]Q[/b] – [i]ruronihs[/i] 10. [b]Z[/b] – [i]Falconi[/i] 11. [b]Y[/b] – [i]Sketcher[/i] [center][b]Accepted Backup Characters[/b][/center] [center][i]For dropouts and deaths[/i][/center] 1. [b]S[/b] – [i]Teleport[/i] 2. [b]J[/b] – [i]Shisa[/i] 3. --- [center][b]My CS’s[/b][/center] [hider=X][center][img=http://oi59.tinypic.com/14jt8xd.jpg][/center] [center]He has light brown hair and brown eyes.[/center] [center]Alias: X[/center] [center]Age: 21[/center] [center]Role: Detective[/center] [center]Personality: X has a very upbeat attitude about life, to the point where he can be irritating to those around him. He has a quick mind, able to make deductions at a rapid-fire pace. Sometimes he does so in the middle of a conversation, slipping an analysis into his speech, and then moving on without missing a beat. However, if one were to ask him to repeat the analysis he just made, he wouldn’t do so. No one is really sure why. Some guess he has a bad case of ADHD and forgot the deduction, and others assume he just moves at such a fast pace that he hates to repeat himself. Either way, if one misses what he said the first time or didn’t understand what he meant, he/she is out of luck.[/center] [center]Why he took the Kira case: X is fascinated with the supernatural, spending much of his life trying to communicate with spirits. The majority of his work as a detective revolved around unexplainable cases, which was why he took the job of chasing Kira. He believes Kira was somehow able to contact a supernatural being to do his dirty work. So, being intrigued by the idea, X took the case.[/center] [center]Other: X can often be found sleeping when he isn’t working on a case.[/center] [/hider] [hider=M][center][img=http://oi58.tinypic.com/30dh091.jpg][/center] [center]He has light blonde hair and blue eyes.[/center] [center]Alias: M[/center] [center]Age: 24[/center] [center]Role: Detective[/center] [center]Personality: M is a bit more reserved. He often just sits back and watches other detectives make deductions, while he comes up with his own explanation. It takes a bit of effort to get him to share his thoughts on a case sometimes, as he prefers to keep them to himself. However, when he is trying to draw information out of someone, he is quite adept. He uses charm and wit to get what he wants, when he wants it.[/center] [center]Why he took the Kira case: M was originally a detective in France, but had recently expanded his work to the Osaka region of Japan. He was there when he first got wind of the Kira murders. At first he didn’t pay much attention to them, focusing on his own work in Osaka. But one day, one of the killers he was after died of a heart attack. The media instantly blamed Kira. M’s interest was piqued. How could someone control another’s cardiac arrest? When he was invited to take part in the case, he accepted immediately.[/center] [center]Other: When he’s not putting on an act to draw information out of someone, M often forgets proper social etiquette. Because of this, he can come off as offensive or rude to some people.[/center][/hider] --- Sidenote: Not all pictures have to have the red/blue thing from Death Note. I just did that because I was bored and had some extra time to photoshop :P