There you go! <3 I have two characters. Big wink to the original crew. ;) ----------- Name: Ichika Imala-Q'lankä Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance: [img][/img] Background: Ichika was born on the Eve kingdom island. It is a well known fact that the island is covered with forests and wilderness. On Eve, more than anywhere else, there are people who decides to live outside of the major city's borders. Those people form small tribes that live in complete symbiosis with nature, only going back to the city to buy or sell things at the market. People who decides to live in such a way are, of course, extremely sturdy, and thus, make extremely good soldiers. Then came the war...and the royal family could not wait for volunteers to rise up to the call anymore. Kantle was ceaseless, and the army was too little. Decisions were made, and soon, soldiers went to the tribes one after the other in order to forcefully enroll as many warriors as possible. They claimed it to be in order to serve their nation and please the gods. Most adults would leave for the war effort, willingly or not. Ichika's parents were among them. The 19 years old girl would have wanted nothing more than to join them, but they refused and said that she was to wait for them here. Wait she did, but it would only weeks later that she learned of their death during the Kantle assault. The road between islands were now shattered, and the world was bound to change in ways none imagined. Ichika exiled herself deep within the forest upon receiving the news. Such behavior was not abnormal for her people, the forest being like a second home for those who knew it well enough and respected it. During the time she remained away from her people, a whole year, Ichika met a companion she would later name [i]Kukucan[/i]. It belonged to a species living nearby the village, great forest cobras with azure scales and wings able to take them across the skies. They seemed intimidating, but Ichika saw it as a trial from the gods. She tracked the snake days and night until, finally, she found the courage and right moment to approach it. Since that day, they remained together as best of companions, and returned to the village. Her mind set, Ichika decided it was time to leave the village and go meet the outside world. She would probably take part in the conflict pitting her nation against both others in hope of avenging the death of her parents. It was with a brief farewell that the girl left the village of her childhood for dangers unknown. Personality: Ichika is a cool-headed young woman that doesn't like to chit-chat for naught. She feel more at ease surrounded by trees than by people, but still show patience and generosity towards other. Ichika do not stand being seen as weak, or insulted, and will seek her own retribution against people who dare show her such a lack of respect. The memory of the war, and her parents, is strongly rooted within her...she hold a solid grudge against anyone from Kantle despite never having met one before. ------------------ Name: Maria Gilder Age: 20 Gender: Female Nationality: Rose Appearance: [img][/img] Biography: Maria's father was a simple merchant, while her mother passed most of her time at home, being weak from birth. She also had a big brother, whom she saw as a mentor for most of her younger years, despite the fact that he also inherited from their mother's hereditary illness. Theirs was a very poor family, trading having deteriorated greatly during the years the war was brewing up. Their village was situated near the very border of Rose great island, home to mostly poor population, among Rosarians standards of course. As they grew up, Maria was the one helping her father and mother around the family home. She also stood up many time in order to protect her sick brother against all kind of bullies. Despite the hard times, she knew how to smile and be happy. No matter how little her family could give her, she'd take it with a great, honest smile. Then came the day when her brother was forced to join up the military. The higher cast predicted the emergence of an unavoidable conflict and wanted to be ready for it by recruiting as most as possible, firstly among the poor ones. The Rose army was the only bully Maria had no chance in standing up against, and despite the protests of their parent, her brother Marco left. Time passed and the family eventually received a letter saying that Marco fell ill and was now taken care of in the capital. Maria was the only one that could make the trip to the capital, so it was with haste that she prepared and left. She arrived to the capital only to be told she was unfortunately a day too late, and that her beloved brother had passed away already. The training proved to be too much for his condition. However, Maria's misfortune did not stop there. Shortly after, the ''Day of Night'' happened. Her village was one of the many victims of the ferocious attack form Kantle. It had been razed. Saddened beyond reason, Maria did the only thing that seemed reasonable at the time; join the army. Despite her painful experience, Maria showed no weakness to anyone and proved to be a a good soldier. A very good soldier, in fact, one of the best the captain of her regiment had ever seen. Her will was made of unbreakable steel. Her determination to succeed was noticed by superiors and, it took only weeks before she had her first promotion. Between her perfect obedience of the code, as well as her skill to lead with an iron fist, Maria quickly became the the right hand of a high ranking general. Her incredibly fast progress through the ranks of the army owed her a nickname from the soldiers under her command; Steel Lady. None of her decision was impacted in any way by any kind of emotions, at least none that she would show. Personality: Cold and emotionless would be how most people describe Maria. However, and despite the nickname she was given, those soldiers under her direct leadership began to better understand their Lieutenant and realize that she, in fact, was a sensible person.