Hi there! I'm not really sure how to start these things but the vast majority seem to start with some rules and requirements for their prospective partners so in the interests of peer pressure here is mine: >Please be able to reply about once a day. >I don't mind how much you write but there are a few things regarding what you write: -Firstly, if you leave some kind of cliffhanger in your post I will continue on from that perhaps not in the way you intended it to go. I want to be able to progress the RP and not just have to write what you just wrote from my character's perspective. If we decide on something beforehand then I won't go off plot. -Secondly, feel free to change things in the RP even if I don't know about them. The earlier point was not against those cliffhanger endings. I actually enjoy the feeling of something unexpected happening in an RP. -Thirdly, something else was meant to be here but I forg- Oh yeah. Please make sure you writing is legible. >When we start making a plot for the RP please have some ideas and shoot down some of mine. That way we can meet halfway on our RP and both enjoy it all the more. >THIS IS MY MOST IMPORTANT RULE SO IT IS IN CAPS! ENJOY THE RP WE ARE DOING OR DON'T DO IT. If you feel as though you are just having a dry spell for the moment then take a break. I'll be here ready to take off again when you come back no matter how long that may be. It's not like I delete my messages or anything so I can reread where necessary. When you are bored with an RP it shows and having to drag my eyes through the writing of someone who obviously is bored with what they are doing is draining and nothing makes me want to leave an RP more than that. You don't have to drop it forever. Like I said I'm always ready to restart even the oldest of RPs. I guess that's it. My only limits as far as maturity ratings go is logical sense in the universe. I am fine with everything in every detail but it has to make sense for the character and setting. I enjoy romance but I don't feel it should be the driving force of an RP nor do I think it has to happen if two characters just aren't meant to be. I play male characters but am fine with MXM and MXF Now to better and brighter things. Settings I enjoy in an RP: Steampunk (Love it) Fantasy (Modern or stoned. I meant high! High fantasy. 0_o) Modern (AU) Sci-fi (Kinda eh about this one. I just feel some plots are truly more entertaining here but as a setting I'm sort of... eh) Historic Periods from Victorian London or further back (Keep in mind I'm not a historian. My historical knowledge is not textbook. If yours is then mazeltov but all I'm going for is the 'feel' of the era not a history lesson) Distopian Apocolyptic wasteland (Also love it) Alright well that's that done. Here's a plot I have had floating around in my head for a time: Smartphone's are just great! A new app has started appearing on people's smartphones. Not everyone has it, in fact it is very rare. On the screen it appears as a 'T' on a blue background surrounded by little zigzag, lightning-like lines. When people open the screen "Welcome to the competition!' appears and then fades away. The app seemingly closes and the icon can not be deleted or uninstalled. Whenever two people who have the app though come too close (about 100 meters) their phone starts to vibrate and glow. Upon taking their phone out it transforms into a weapon made up of light (the colour and type is unique to each individual). Both app users have to eliminate each other using these energy weapons and also have telekinetic abilities. First they have to find each other and then they have to fight it out. The looser doesn't actually die but the app is deleted from their phone and they lose their telekinetic abilities (which can be used in real life) and seem to get a permanent air of bad luck following them. Our two characters would both have their apps activated and start to fight it out however the app has an unexpected update and all around the world people who are fighting are suddenly halted and given the one time opportunity to pair up and take on tag team battles. The winner of ten consecutive battles will supposedly meet the creator of the app. That's the only plot I have in my head for now. I will edit the post and add more as I think of them. Here are some pairings in the mean time: MasterXApprentice Supernatural creature (vampire, werewolf, things that go bump and anything else you can think of)XHunter AnthroXAnthro(Or non-anthro) Ugh my brain is somewhat slow right now. I'll update more stuff when I get some sleep. Stay tuned for: Fandoms! More Pairings! A bit about me!