It was good to know that at least Tanya was easy enough to talk to. It would have been a long, boring ride if most of her new comrades were as quiet and stoic as they'd seemed during that initial meeting. [i]At least [/i]she[i] knows how to smile,[/i] Saseen thought approvingly. She'd intended to inquire after some of the other woman's previous 'stupid plans' -there had to be some good stories there- but before she could, the batarian who'd be playing their prisoner showed up. Tanya's response to him asking for a blade instead of a gun made the asari woman chuckle. The three finished discussing what exactly would be happening when the pickup commenced. Saseen's job was mostly just looking convincing until the fighting started. Definitely something she could manage. She idled about with the others until a salarian corvette arrived on the scene. The sight of it filled Saseen with anticipation. So it was a salarian ship? That wasn't what she'd been expecting, but it was interesting all the same. She'd only flown salarian vessels a handful of times in her life, but she knew that they'd be hard pressed to find a better ship for getting small groups in and out unnoticed. The mercenaries were the usual fare: some asari, plus a couple of turians and humans. They carried the top of the line equipment that could be expected of anyone on Siame Industries' payroll. Tanya did the talking with the asari and turian who'd approached to make the exchange. The trick with the omni-tool was a neat one and, again, Saseen found herself admiring those more tech savvy than herself. She didn't have long to do so before the shooting started. The other woman made quick work of the asari and the turian before and pulled Kesik behind a few crates. Saseen ducked behind them as well, leaning around one side to return fire until the batarian was uncuffed with a gun in his hand. Finally, the order was given: "Get moving! Secure the docking arm!" She nodded and took a quick survey of the docking-bay-turned-battlefield. Her eyes flitted over their opponents before landing on an asari who'd positioned herself a bit behind the rest. She was close to the docking arm and, more importantly, a pretty decent distance away from most of the other mercenaries. Saseen gave a smile and a little half salute before ducking out of cover. Bullets whizzed around her, but only one grazed her before biotic energy flared around her and she charged, a blur of blue that hit the enemy asari with enough force that Saseen could actually hear the cracking of her ribs during the first impact, and the crunch of a few more bones as she hit a piece of a equipment behind her and collapsed to the ground. The other mercenaries hesitated for just a fraction of a second before several took a few shots in that direction. By that point, she'd already found cover behind a low wall on the edge of the ramp leading up to the docking arm. She leaned against it, taking a deep, steadying breath. [i]That's one.[/i] Counting her biotic charges in combat was essential to keep from over-exerting herself and causing serious damage to her body. It was the one thing that she simply could not be reckless about, as she'd learned after having to spend a few weeks in recovery after going too far past her limits during a raid on a cargo ship. For shorter fights, she rarely went past three. Longer fights, four. Anything past that was stretching it, unless charging was the only thing she did, and she had plenty of time to rest in between. The mercenary she'd knocked down groaned from her spot on the ground, a couple of feet around. So, she'd probably live, even if she did have some major injuries. Something like relief flickered over Saseen's face before she peaked around the wall and let off a few shots in the general direction of where most of the mercenaries had taken cover. From what she could tell, only one remained directly between herself and the docking arm, a turian. Just before she could hit him with a biotic pull, his skull was shot clean through. His body hit the ground roughly. Well, that was that, then. She took a moment to focus strengthening her barriers, and then she spoke into her omni-tool. "Moving to secure docking arm." Another charge brought her to the mouth of the docking arm. [i]That's number two.[/i] With any luck, she wouldn't need to use the third.