Emiliano This girl Azuriel described sounded smart and rebellious: two traits that didn't necessarily bode well for a captured human when they were both present at once. He was sure her captors didn't take kindly to a free human like her, but he refrained from saying that aloud so as not to upset the boy. There was no need to make him think his sister was in any possible danger when Emiliano couldn't be sure, himself. "It sounds like life in the forest was quite a challenge," Emiliano said, stepping up to the counter and tossing the discarded apple core into the trash. "I'll be interested to hear more about that sometime. It's alright if you don't really want to talk about that subject right now; I would understand. A human who's grown up outside of vampire control would cause a lot of talk." --- Callum He froze when the vampire stirred awake. He didn't know what to say or do and, though the vampire seemed to be smiling at them now, he had no idea if its mood would change for the worse once it blinked the sleep from its eyes. Callum's lower half shifted uncomfortably, hoping to maybe move his own crotch away from the vampire's and the blush took up residence on his face once again. What was he supposed to say? Callum didn't need to think for long because Eika began to take the fall for him. He stared at her in disbelief as she turned the blame to herself. Why would someone he'd barely known for the shortest time face possible punishment from a vampire for him? "I-It wasn't all her fault!" Callum quickly added, trying to keep the nervousness out of his voice. "I...I tickled you of my own accord and I'm truly, truly sorry for w-waking you."