[b] [u] Alika [/u] [/b] As Alika finished calming the mother and child, she heard... something. She didn't quite make it out, but it sounded like speech. Well, it looked like the bandits had found her. She would not allow any bandits to harm these civilians! As soon as she heard him(?) She whipped around with lightning speed, her concealed short sword primed to cut his throat. However, as she turned, she saw him fire arrows at a bandit... Oh. Crap. Now, not killing him would be easy. Doing that in a dignified matter would be impossible. She threw her weight off to the side, causing her to land to the ground instead of leap at his throat. [b]"Y-you should know better than to sneak up on a lady!"[/b] She shouted as she rose and dusted herself off, her cheeks bright red from the embarrassment. He had apparently howled... Huh, he must be a Wolf then. She groaned internally. She had nothing near Grey's hatred of non-humans, but she didn't like the wolves. They were so... unrefined. She wouldn't call them savage but they didn't exactly have the best manners. [b]"I am quite fine on my own, thank you. I've quite a bit of experience..."[/b] She was no soldier and she didn't really enjoy fighting, but over she'd built up quite a bit of skill over two-thousand years. [b]"But I won't stop you. I advise picking off those ruffians surrounding the big one over there..."[/b] She said as she pointed towards the gate at the berserker. Whatever he did, it was none of her concern. She watched a pegasus knight of some variety fleeing an archer. as she watched him land, she noticed him talk to a blade-wielding woman, who appeared to be severely injured. This would not do. Assembling Physic, she cast it at the woman, and breathed a sigh of relief to find her just at the edge of its range. It took a good two seconds for physic to do it's work, and she wasn't sure if the woman would notice her or not, but that was irrelevant. However, it likely wouldn't feel good. Grey had complained that the staff made him feel this sickening tingling sensation whenever she cast it on him. Normally she'd chalk it up to his odd intolerance for magic, but she'd seen the expressions of the people she'd used it on. It wasn't painful, but it wasa severely uncomfortable is what she guessed it's effect was.