"You are different t other Saiyans, because you're nothing like them," Takeshi retorted, smiling amused as Shu grabbed his hand. "You're your own person, that's why you feel different. You're night a mindless soldier like them, you know? So be glad you're different." This whole brother thing probably wouldn't work out were Shu remotely as nasty as their Father's men were. Takeshi would admit that he himself was no saint, he'd done plenty of bad things himself, but they were far and few between. Plus those weren't entirely his fault, when he got mad he just sort of... Lost it. Other than that neither of them were anything like the jerks they had fought, not by a long shot. "I bet Mother is really pretty, don't you think? And she's probably really nice too." She had to be, moms were supposed to be like that after all. Then again he had met plenty of Saiyan mothers that weren't exactly affectionate, some of them he had to fight during his training, they were scary ladies. But their mother was human, which probably meant she was nicer than that. "Kai's room...? It's really close, and he's your friend too." The twins' bedroom was in fact just at the end of this stretch of corridor, and finding the door unlocked but closed told them Kai was certainly inside. "Hey Kai! Open up will you?" Haku had a fairly good idea of what he was getting into, expecting some typical sparring, nothing more. Pouncing on him and trying to eat him however did not fall even remotely in that range, and he wasn't going to have any of it. It only took one time to make him want to throw in the towel, very unsettled at the prospect of becoming a potential meal yet again. With both feet he kicked the Beastman away, quickly scrambling to his feet and trying to make a break for it. A heavy weight slammed into his back soon after he'd started off, being slammed to the ground again with a yelp. Now pressed on his front he had to turn his head to see what was happening, eyes widening in silent fright seeing the Beastman on top of him, fangs bared. Whimpering faintly Haku tried to pull himself free, not going anywhere under the Beastman's sizable form. Figuring he had to get out another way he raised a hand backwards, gathering Ki and preparing to blast him away. "G-Get off of me! Don't e-eat me!" Damn it all, this was getting out of hand. So much for letting Viral handle himself, clearly he wasn't ready for this. The moment that Haku tried to blast the Beastman Vegeta had sprung into action, trying to put an end to things. Knocking the younger boy's hand away firstly he grabbed Viral by the shoulders, using Ki to push himself and his friend off of Haku, driving him a good bit back before pushing him into a wall. Frowning as he released the Beastman he glanced back at their youngest member, feeling slightly sympathetic as the kid curled into a ball and was visibly shaking a bit. Sighing somberly he turned his gaze back to Viral, shaking his head slowly in disappointment. "You had it... And then you lost it..." That more or less undid all of the progress they had just made in his mind, they had to start again. It had been a fluke, nothing more, Vegeta told himself. No way could tempering Viral's ferocity be that simple. "Viral, I order you to relax. I don't want to have to knock you out, I won't have you terrorizing everyone else on the ship, even that kid."