[b] [u] Grey Onyx [/u] [/b] Grey was incredulous. Why the hell was this man so damn squeamish? He was dying here! Arianna seemed to recognize him, and scolded him for bursting through the open doorway. [b]"And you could have..."[/b] He was about to cough again, but he managed to suppress it. [b]"Waited. Where I come from we don't fight alone..."[/b] He stated. Ooh, lordy. This was probably the second most physically painful thing to ever happen to him. The mage didn't seem to even want to look at him, but he did say something about a book. He remembered the book he had looted from that alleyway, and moved to unclip it from his belt. [b]"You mean this? I found it in the second most disgusting alley I've ever seen."[/b] He said. He wanted that to be a joke, but his tone was more serious as he remembered the horrible sight there. Nonetheless, he more or less dropped it on the guy with his bloodied hand. At this point fine control like handing things to people was getting hard. [b]"If that's your damn book can we please fix me before I bleed out or... or something?"[/b] He said as he slid down to a sitting position, no longer strong enough to stand. Then, Arianna seemed to want names, and she had also noticed the couple of times he slipped into his more, er, noble speech patterns. [b]"Greyson Onyx. But unless you just wanted something to carve on my headstone I suggest someone help!"[/b] He shouted. Now he was getting angry. He always got angry when he was afraid. But, he had noticed that wasn't helping. [b]"I'm... I'm sorry. I just... I don't want to die..."[/b] He said as he lay there. Then, one of the beastfolk from earlier burst in. He... wasn't in good shape. He said something about there being five more bandits out there, right as a handaxe embedded itself in the wall. At that point, he realized something. He was giving up. He was going to give up, and die on the floor in the house of somebody he'd never even seen. No. If he was going to die, he was going to die like a man, axe in hand. With a sudden surge of adrenalin, he got up on his feet, before procuring one of the homeowner's shirts from the floor. He tied it around his wound and readied his axe. He was still very much in pain, but he couldn't allow those animals out there to smell blood, so to speak. But he knew he wouldn't last long. [b]"Come on... if I'm dying then I'm dying on the battlefield."[/b] He said to the other two. He didn't care if they followed, but he did care if they survived. If they went with him, he would likely give his life for them. Pushing past the beastman, he noticed the bandits, who were very nearly ready to attack. [b]"Well here you are, scumbags!"[/b] He called out. They very much didn't care for that, but they were gonna wait for him to finish at least. [b]"Do you wanna know what I do with scumbags? Huh? [i]Huh!?[/i] Why don't you ask the underside of my boot! I bet it's still got some of your friend's brains on it!"[/b] He shouted. At least one bandit seemed a little put off, but it was clear that they were still very angry. [b]"What the fuck are you waiting for! Get over here and die!"[/b]