[center] [img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130706080631/the-rp-fear/images/a/ac/Tumblr_mlkceaTK2P1soongyo1_500.png] Name: Hakanji Saru Age: 16 Gender: Male Personality: Angry demeanor, Somewhat quiet, Keeps to himself, Doesn't look people in the eye. Animal: Skunk Bio: Hakanji has always been a quiet person, He volunteered for some sort of experiment, as he was promised money for his involvement, and he was quickly experimented on and turned into a hideous monster, well, a skunk half breed really, He was injected with DNA and other things, and his breath, if he wanted, could be toxic, not necessarily kill, but knock out predators, but, to keep such in check, he is permitted to keep a gasmask on him. And concerning his eye, He was born with a strange infection in it, causing it to be underdeveloped, so, they replaced it with a bionic eye. This enraged Hakanji, and one day as two scientists began escorting him to the chamber, he pulled away from their grip, tearing off his mask and letting his toxic breath fill the corridor, he then began to kick their faces inward, and beat them, thus the bandaging. [/center]