Name: Nuka Hamilton Gender: Female Age: 30 Appearance: [url=]All these things wanted to make me smile...[/url] Birthday: Spring 14 Role: Bartender Personality: "Unfortunately for you folks, I'm the only bartender around, so I don't have to have some winning personality." That being said she really isn't that hard to get along with if you don't mind someone who's a little loud and uncouth at best. Likes: Alcohol, sleeping, not working, not having to listen to idiots whine about their lives, and did I mention alcohol Dislikes: Work, weak drinks, listening to idiots whining about their lives, and hangovers History: Believe it or not, she used to be a teacher, however, she found she didn't really mesh well with a job that required her to be wholly sober at 7 in the morning with absolutely no hope of having any alcohol throughout the day. Also, there was some dissention between her and the admins as there were the number of reports of drugs being taken away from students but they weren't making it to the front office. She decided it was best to allow herself to get away from the city and she went wandering. She had taken a bartending class back in college so when she wandered through the small town and it landed her near a bar that was in need of tending, she figured "Why the hell not?" She figured it would be easy enough to mix drinks, just so long as no one expected her to be some bleeding heart Name: Samuel "Sam" Yost Gender: Male Age: 28 Appearance: [url=]Hi there.[/url] Birthday: Summer 28 Role: Librarian Personality: Laid back, friendly, but a bit of recluse. Prefers to be amongst his books rather than crowds. Likes: Reading, writing, books, quiet, people who respect books and enjoy a good story Dislikes: People who mistreat books, spilling his coffee, stale chips History: Sam has had a very simple life. He's never had any real trials or tribulations. He excelled in school, he went on to college and got a degree and has just simply decided he prefers to be in the quiet, rural life over suburbia. He loves the English language as a whole and is a restrained grammar nazi as he realizes being strict about it tends to scare people away. He found the opening for the librarian and he snatched it right up as it seemed like the perfect position for him. All day surrounded by stacks of books and the scent of musty old pages? It was practically the perfect recipe for nirvana. Ever since he came to the library, he has a fresh pot of coffee and cookies and the like out for any wayward passerbyer to enjoy. He usually ends up drinking most of the coffee, but he's alright with that.