Alaera smiled a bit as they sat together. She sipped her tea before answering. "I had hoped to find a man I could share in conversation higher than every day chatter. I had my choices but you know as well as I do that no Princess can marry just a simple man, he must be a man worthy of the title land or not, the same for you." She pursed her lips for just a moment, "I don't want to spend my life worrying about savages coming to my bed either. Matthias has good land and an army yes, but I don't believe he can lead as well, and if he won't listen to a woman at his side there is little I can do." She tilted her head just slightly. "You lead with a firm hand Miguel, You know how to lead without making your people suffer but also to push their limits. Qualities I desire in a man." Then she sipped her tea again. She wanted to blush a bit, but there wasn't much to blush about right now. She then gently set down her cup and nibbled away at the brunch like she was enjoying it very much. She started to let her mind wander then scolded herself and brought herself back to what they were into.