Thorgrim entered the conference room and plopped his dwarven butt on a chair of carefully carved stone. He was feeling refreshed, having a good ale and a little catnap. Two of his dwarven escorts entered after, bringing a bulky chest. Thorgrim rummaged through its contents, rifling through treaties, treaties, more treaties and - ah. Thorgrim fished out a dusty parchment with odd sketchings and diagrams on it. His new and improve blueprint of his father's portable cannon, able to be carried and used in the field by (bulky) infantrymen. Thorgrim stashed away the blueprint and craned his short neck around the room. His eyes came to rest on a pale-skinned man seated on the far right. Why hadn't he noticed him before? "Ah, Commander Jack-bloody-Maverous of the Mauscins." The red-bearded dwarf let out a throaty laugh. "I'm High Engineer Thorgrim Hammerforge, son of Balrin Hammerforge. I hail from Tharous." Thorgrim stood up and walked over to the man to offer a handshake.